Last updated: 2024-08-26

internal documents

Applies from: Opter 2024.06.00

Internet order settings (window)

Settings > Internet > Internet order settings

The appearance of the customer web, the resource webs and Track & Trace, as well as the menu options and functions which should be enabled on the various webs, can be managed in the Internet order settings window. When Opter is installed, there is a configuration both for the customer web and for each of the different resource webs. More configurations can be created and used for different customers and resources.

“Resource webs” refers to the supplier web, subcontractor web, driver web, vehicle web and terminal web.

The window’s tabs

See also

Introduction to Opter

Customer web and Track & Trace

Introduction to the supplier web

Introduction to the subcontractor web

Introduction to the driver web

Introduction to the vehicle web

Introduction to the terminal web