Last updated: 16.01.2024
Valid from: 2022.06.00 and later
Options, window
Settings > Options
In this window, you can create options that the customer can use to specify the properties of an order. You can move the options up and down in the list on the left using the buttons in the toolbar. The order is reflected wherever the options are displayed.
The options can be linked to items in the price list, so you can charge for them. When an option is selected on an order, the price item is automatically added to a price item row.
The window’s tabs
Function | Explanation |
Code | Abbreviation used for identification. |
Name | Descriptive name of the option. |
Internet name | To ensure that the option is displayed with a different name on the web, invoices and credits, enter that name here. If no internet name is entered, the option will be displayed with the name that was entered in the Name field above. |
Description | Free text field for internal notes. The description is not displayed anywhere else but here. |
Available for orders | The option is displayed and can be selected on orders in order reception. |
Available for vehicles | The option is displayed under Options on the Capacity tab of the vehicle registry. |
Available for employees | Currently no function. |
Available for subcontractors | The option is displayed under Options on the Account coding tab of the subcontractor registry. The options do not really have anything to do with the account coding, and the options you select will not appear anywhere else except in the subcontractor registry. |
Available for Internet order | The option is displayed and can be selected on orders on the customer web and resource webs. The Available for orders checkbox must also be selected to allow the option to appear on the web. |
Available for route optimisation |
Only applies if Plan shipments with options using vehicles that have the required capacity is selected in the route optimisation settings (see Route optimization settings (window)).
Available in dispatch | The option is displayed under Options when you right-click on a shipment in dispatch. |
Expects completion | The Completed checkbox is displayed next to the option in order reception. The order shipment is visible in dispatch only when the Completed checkbox is selected. If you want to display orders whose options are incomplete in dispatch, even if Expects completion is selected, go to the dispatch settings and select the Include orders with incomplete delivery options checkbox on the Tabs > Contents tab. |
Make order ready for invoicing/crediting on completion | The order is marked as ready for invoicing and crediting when the Completed checkbox is selected in order reception. Expects completion must be selected for this checkbox to be selectable. |
Shipments with options can be set so that they are colour coded in dispatch. If a shipment has several options, the colour of the option that comes first in the list is displayed.
Function | Explanation |
Use colour in dispatch | Enables or disables colour coding of options in dispatch. If you select this checkbox and do not choose a colour for Text color or Background color, the shipments with this option will be entirely white in dispatch. |
Text color | Select a colour or enter the hexadecimal code for the colour in the text field. |
Background color | Select a colour or enter the hexadecimal code for the colour in the text field. |
On this tab it can be specified that the option should not be available on orders with a specific service. This allows you to limit the number of options available on the orders.
The Excluded list contains the services for which the option is not available. The Included list contains the services for which the option is available. Double-click on the services to move them between the lists. In the text field above each list, it is possible to search for the name of the service.
By default, all options can be selected on all orders, i.e. all services are under Included.
On this tab, route optimisation can be set to take into account the options on the shipments, so that shipments with a certain option are assigned to vehicles with the capacity for that option.
Reference Materials