Last updated: 2024-03-05

Applies from: 2023.07-01.239 and later

New and old price list editor, comparison

The reason for updating the price list editor is to make the tool faster, improve the price adjustment function and make it easier to reuse prices and items.

The new price list editor is organised with tabs horizontally instead of in a tree structure. You select the price list on the far left and then make settings for that price list on the tabs (1). You can open the registers corresponding to the tabs by clicking on , any of the buttons on the toolbar or via the menu Price list (2). This allows you to have a register open while viewing the price list in the background.

The list of price lists is more compact and can be filtered (3) and sorted (using and in the toolbar).

In the old price list editor, the settings were at different levels of the tree structure, price list (1) > pricing (2) > price calculation (3). Discounts (4) and items (5) were located as folders under the price list.

Tab in the old price list Tab in the new price list

General (see picture above)


The settings are exactly the same, except that the new price list editor allows you to select a price zone collection directly on the price list (1). It is no longer driven by the supply of services.

Service lists

No equivalent. All services can be freely selected on the tab Services, and the price zone collection is selected on the tab General.

Pricing of services


Under Prices you add prices and the items that make up the price.

Pricing for supplements


The settings for the extensions are displayed directly on the tab instead of having to open a separate dialogue box.



Works the same as before, but you can now choose from all items to price the option, not just optional items.

Account coding

Account coding

The accounting is completely unchanged and works the same as before.


This is where the services available on the web portals were set (1). The greyed-out checkbox meant that the setting was taken from the service register (2).


The setting is done directly on the Services tab for each service (1). When you create a new service, by default it is not available on the web portals, you have to tick the checkbox for all services to be available, either in the service registry, or in the price list.

Rabbets (tree structure)


See below.

Articles (tree structure)

Price items

See below.


In the new price list editor, the checkboxes may look slightly different.

  1. : An active choice to set the value to "true" has been made. Sometimes there is an explanatory text that a fallback value has been replaced.

  2. + explanatory text: The value 'true' is inherited from a register or other price list. The text indicates where the value is taken from. Thus, a filled checkbox is always "true" in the new price list. It can never be false.

  3. : An active choice to set the value to "false" has been made.

  4. + explanatory text: The value 'false' has been inherited from a register or another price list. The text indicates where the value is taken from.

Range of services/list of services

The registers that were under service offerings in the tree structure (services, price vehicle types, supplement types, expense types, price zones, tariffs, geozones and sparsely populated areas) have been moved to their own windows directly under Economy > Price lists. The idea is to be able to have both the price list and one or more registers open at the same time.

Service lists no longer have a practical function as it is now possible to freely choose which services can be used in a price list. The service lists are only used to group the services in the service catalogue and in the Services tab of the price list.

You still have to indicate that a service belongs to a service list on the General tab of the service register. You can create new service lists at Economy > Price lists > . Service lists.

The same applies, for example, to price vehicle types and add-on types. You must select a service list on the fare vehicle types, but you can reuse the same fare vehicle type on several different services, even if they do not belong to the same service list. It is therefore sufficient to create the price vehicle type "Van" only once, instead of once for each service offer. The service lists are used to group the price vehicle types in certain lists, for example in the Vehicle types tab of the service register (which actually contains price vehicle types).

On the Price lists tab of the service, you can choose which price lists the service should be available in. That tab has exactly the same meaning as ticking the service on the Services tab of the price list. By default, all price lists are excluded on the service. The idea is to select services in the price list editor and price them at the same time, but if you create a new service that you want to be available in all price lists (or just a few), you can quickly and easily do it on the service instead of having to go into each price list and tick it.

If you include/exclude a price list on the service, it is visible in the price list, and if you tick/untick a service in a price list, it is visible on the service.

Pricing/price calculations/items

What was called pricing (1) corresponds to the prices of the services on the tab Services. The price calculations (2) correspond to articles. The same items can be used as manual items on the orders. More information can be found under Articles/Manual Articles below.

As both price calculations and items become items in the new price list, there is a risk that items will have the same name when you update. If you have price estimates and items with the same name in the old price list, the name of the items corresponding to the price estimates will be extended with the name of the pricing when you update. Example:

Price calculation in the old price list Pricing in the old price list Article in the old price list Article in the new price list




Transport (Partigods)





Express surcharge



Express surcharge (Express bid)



Express surcharge

Express surcharge

The price methods (3) have been removed. All price methods are handled as matrix prices. If you use other pricing methods, they will be converted to matrix prices when you update to a version of Opter with the new price list editor.

The price of a service (pricing) (1) in the new price list consists of one or more items (pricing calculations) (2), which are summarised into one price. The articles can be found by clicking on any of the articles under a price (2). This will open the Price items window where all the settings for the item/price calculation can be found. However, if the prices are inherited from a master price list, it is not possible to open the trade mark register from the Services tab, instead go to the Price items tab and click on .

Old price list New price list

Pricing > tab General

The Services tab

The name of the pricing scheme is displayed under Prices (1). It is no longer possible to provide a description of the pricing (2). Other settings can be found at Settings (3). In addition, it is possible to choose the price zone for the service, as it is no longer determined by the service offer. This means that you can use a different price zone collection for a particular service than the one set in the General tab of the price list.

It is no longer possible to inherit price calculations from another pricing, but you can enter a master price list on the General tab. In this case, the prices (pricing) are inherited from the main price list.

Pricing > Price calculations tab

Price calculations correspond to articles. Click on an article (2), or on in the tab Price items, to open the article register where all settings related to articles are made.

The name of the price calculation corresponds to the name of the article (2).

You add and remove articles with and in the toolbar of the article register in the same way as in other registers in Opter.

The price calculation itself in the tree structure

Tabs Matrix price and Account coding in the Register of Articles.

Pricing > Products tab

Under Products on the tab Services

In the past, pricing determined which products and types of parcels could be selected on the order. Now it is governed by the service. However, you can still restrict which products give a price on the order, even if all products are available:

  1. Create an item with the condition Product and a price unit based on the dimension Product quantity.

  2. Only enter prices for the products that will provide a price for the order.


If you want to make it more flexible, you can create one item per product and one price for each product instead of putting one price for multiple products on the item. Then you can reuse the items in more prices and price lists.

Pricing > Terms and Conditions tab

Under Prices > Conditions on the tab Services

No changes. The conditions work the same as before.

Articles/manual articles

Items added manually to the item rows on orders, which were in a separate folder in the tree structure, are now managed on the tab Price items. The items on that tab are the same items used to price the services on the Services tab, and you can use any of the items in the price list as manual items. See also the corresponding information on price calculations/items above.

All settings that were available on the tabs General, Advanced and Sub-items (1) in the old price list are now available either directly on the tab Price items or on the tab General in the item register. Click on (4) to open the register of articles. The accounting is completely unchanged and works the same as before.


Old price list:

New price list:

The actual price calculation for the trade item corresponds to the tabs Matrix price and Account coding in the trade item register.

Old price list:

New price list:


All discount settings are made on a tab in the price list. The settings for the discounts, which were made in the tabs Price adjustments, Conditions and Specific conditions (1), have not changed and work as before.

What's new is that you can see all discounts directly in the list. The discounts are grouped by category (Common (2)/Discounts for customer categories (3)/Customer specific (4)) which gives a better overview compared to having them in different subfolders. You can expand/collapse the different categories in the list (5) and also filter by discount name, customer category and customer name (6).

For customer-specific discounts (4), you no longer need to search for them for one customer at a time. All customer-specific discounts are displayed directly in the list of discount and customer names. You can filter the list by customer name if you only want to see discounts for a specific customer. Customer-specific discounts are also displayed in the customer register (tab Discounts).

Resource price lists

The resource price lists are available in a dedicated editor at Economy > Price lists > Resource price lists. It looks and works the same as the price list editor, except that it does not have the tabs Price items and Discounts.

Copy price lists

The easiest way to create a new price list is to copy an existing one that contains the items you want to use in the new price list.

To copy a price list, click on in the toolbar of the price list editor (or File > Copy) and then go to the tab General and give the new price list a name. The new price list cannot be saved until you have given it a name.

Copying items between price lists

There was previously no way to copy individual price calculations or items from one price list to another, but the new price list editor allows this. Open the price list containing the item you want to copy and go to the tab Price items. Then drag the item from the list and drop it on the price list you want to copy it to.

Adjusting prices

See Adjusting prices.

See also

Price lists, window

Price items, window

Services (window)

Geographic zone collections (window)

Prices and price lists

The price matrix