Last updated: 12.12.2023

Applies from: 2023.07-01.xx and later

Price items, window

Economy > Price lists > Price lists > Services tab > price item under Prices

Economy> Price lists > Price lists > Price items tab > 

In this window the price items used to price the orders are created. The same price items are also used in the Price items tab of the price list to control which price items can be added to the price item rows of an order.

The price items are valid for the price list from which the price item registry was opened. If a price list is copied, the price items will be included in the new price list.

However, if a new price list is created and another price list is selected as the main price list, the price items in the main price list will not be transferred to the new price list. The price items under Prices are inherited from the main price list, but cannot be edited in the new price list. The price item registry in the new price list is empty.


The price items in different price lists can have the same name, but different settings and matrix prices in different price lists.

The window’s tabs