Last updated: 2024-08-30

Applies from: 2024.06.00 and later, 2023.12-01.886 and later

Price vehicle types (window)

Economy > Price lists > Price vehicle types

In this window, you make settings for the vehicle types that are price-sensitive. The price vehicle types are linked to services. The service on the order determines which price vehicle type can be selected on the order.

The price vehicle types can, but do not have to, match the vehicle types in the register Vehicle types.

Difference between vehicle type and price vehicle type

The price vehicle type is the price basis. It is applied to the order and can be selected by the customer in the customer portal, for example. The type of vehicle is used in traffic management and affects how the transport is carried out. It's basically the same, but there is a register for each, so you can make different settings depending on how you want to handle price-based and planning-based vehicle types.

See also

Entering toll subscriptions on vehicles