Last updated:27.01.2025

Valid from: 2024.12.00

Managing road tolls


Norwegian road tolls (bompeng) change considerably more often than the data used by PTV (and thus Opter), so there is a high risk that the toll fees are not completely up to date. See Limitations below.

Road tolls in Opter include charges such as urban congestion charges, bridge tolls and distance-based road pricing. The function can automatically add these charges to orders using the PTV add-on service, which makes their administration simple and efficient. The charges can be viewed in detail per passage, grouped by country, or ignoring certain toll types altogether. Settings can be customised to specific needs, and manual adjustments can be made if necessary. The function can also manage road tolls for consignments, and display road tolls on invoices and supplier bills.

More details

When an order is created with a price list, service and vehicle type for which you have set road tolls, road toll price items are automatically added to the orders. For example, the description on the price item row will indicate to which bridge, tunnel, section of road or toll station the charge relates, if you have chosen to display tolls individually. If you have chosen to instead group tolls, a price item row totalling, for example, all the bridge tolls in a country, or all the distance-based tolls in a country, is displayed.

A road toll, such as a congestion charge in a city, can be a different amount at different times of the day. This is solved in the following way in Opter:

  • Opter will not know at what time of day the vehicle passes through the charging point, so the time 11.00 am is used when calculating the price of the price item. This generally corresponds to an average price.

  • As a road toll can be a different amount on different days of the week, Opter uses the shipment date, or alternatively the order date. So, if no shipment date is specified, Opter uses the order date instead.

If you find that a toll is the wrong amount, it can be changed manually in order reception.


If price items for tolls are to be added to orders automatically, the PTV add-on service is required. For more information, see PTV Map&Guide.

Road tolls in Opter, overview

Road tolls can be displayed:

Road tolls can be displayed individually or grouped, or you can choose not to create an price item at all for one or more road toll types.


Incorrect road tolls


The road tolls in Opter are based on information from HERE/PTV. This means that if HERE/PTV sends incorrect information to Opter about, for example, Norwegian road tolls (bompeng), these will also be incorrect in Opter. PTV continuously strives to maintain and update road tolls from the entire world, using data from a variety of providers. Norwegian road tolls (bompeng) change considerably more often than the data used by PTV, so there is a high risk that the toll fees are not completely up to date. Incorrect road tolls should not be reported. The latest information about road tolls is available on

The tolls are displayed in the same way

For each road toll type and country, you can choose to show the road tolls individually or grouped in order reception, and on supplier bills and invoices. The tolls are displayed in the same way in order reception and on supplier bills and invoices. It is therefore not possible to choose, for example, to show road tolls individually in order reception but grouped on invoices and supplier bills.

Settings in Opter, overview

To get Opter to automatically add road toll price items to orders, the following settings and choices must first be made:

  1. Plan how to manage road tolls (optional).

  2. Create a road toll price item.

  3. Activate road tolls for services.

  4. Enter the details of the price vehicle type, including the agreements for road tolls.

  5. Check the settings in the Currencies window.

  6. Select for which road toll types price items should be created automatically.

  7. Road tolls for consignments (optional).

  8. Show road tolls on supplier bills (optional).

  9. Show road tolls on invoices (optional).

The settings are described in more detail in the steps below.

Step 1 (optional): Plan how to manage road tolls

Here are some suggestions regarding what to think and decide about before making the road toll settings:

  1. For which service(s) are road tolls to be managed?

    (The settings are made in Step 3: Activate road tolls for services and Step 7 (optional): Road tolls for consignments below).

  2. For each road toll type, you can choose whether Opter should create one price item row per road toll, or one price item row on which all road tolls in a country are totalled, or not create any price item at all for a certain road toll type. The advantages and disadvantages of the different options are described below, so that you can choose the one that best suits your organisation.

    For each road toll type, it is possible to choose whether Opter should:

    • Create one price item row per road toll, (Show individually).

      In order reception and on invoices and supplier bills, distance-based road tolls, for example, are then displayed individually with one price item row per route, and bridge tolls are displayed individually with one price item row per bridge toll.

      Advantages: It is possible to view, change or delete certain road tolls. Invoices and supplier bills show exactly which bridges and routes you are paying or being paid for.

      Disadvantages: If there are long journeys with many road tolls to be displayed individually, it may take quite a while for the system to load all the data about the road tolls in order reception, for example. In addition, there can be a lot of information on invoices and supplier bills.

    • Create a price item row on which all the road tolls of a specific type are totalled and grouped by country, (Show grouped).

      In order reception and on invoices and supplier bills, for example, distance-based road tolls are then shown grouped and totalled on one price item row per country.

      Advantages: The system can work faster because there is less data to handle. The information on invoices and supplier bills is clearer.

      Disadvantages: It is not possible to retrieve, show or change the detailed information about, for example, each distance-based road toll or each bridge toll once they have been grouped and totalled on one price item row per country. However, it is possible to change the total amount.

    • Not create any price item at all for a particular road toll type, (Ignore). You can choose to ignore, for example, tunnel tolls.

    (The settings are made in Step 6: Select for which road toll types price items should be created automatically below).

  3. Choose whether road tolls are to be totalled on the order or for each individual shipment:

    • Order: The road tolls are added up according to the addresses on the order, without sub-routes to intermediate terminals, i.e. as ordered by the customer.

    • Shipment: The road tolls are added up for each individual shipment which includes sub-routes to intermediate terminals, i.e. as the order is carried out.

    A similar choice is available for totalling distances. The totalling of tolls and distances can be set to be done in the same way, but it is also possible to choose, for example, totalling of road tolls for each individual shipment and totalling of distances at the order level.

    (The settings are made in Step 3: Activate road tolls for services below).

  4. Which agreements for road tolls do you have and which would you benefit from acquiring?

    Examples of road toll agreements include the 'AutoPASS' agreement in Norway ( and 'ØresundGO' in Denmark ( For more information, see Entering toll subscriptions on vehicles.

    (The settings are made in Step 4: Enter the details for the price vehicle type below).

Step 2: Create a road toll price item

How to create a price item that it is automatically added to the order:

  1. Click on Economy > Price lists > Price lists and select the price list to work on from the list on the left.
  2. Click on the Price items tab and check if the price list already has a price item for road tolls, (i.e. a price item with the Road toll checkbox selected). If not, create a new price item by clicking on Create a new price item (at the bottom) or to open the price item registry.

    If there is already a road toll price item, click on and check that the road toll price item has the settings described in the steps below.

    We recommend only having one road toll price item per price list. In other words, only one of the price items has the Road toll checkbox selected.

  3. Enter a Name and configure the following settings:

    • Select the VAT rate to be used for the road tolls in the VAT rate drop-down list. (Road tolls often have no VAT, but this is not always the case).

    • Select one of the following from the Price percentage to resource drop-down list:

      • Entire resource value if the amounts for road tolls should go to the resource without any deductions.

      • No remuneration if the resource should not be paid for road toll price items.

      • Pursuant to settlement factor if the resource should be paid for road toll price items pursuant to the resource's crediting factor.

      For more information, see Provision och resursvärde.

    • Select the No fuel extra checkbox.

    • In the Method drop-down list, it is only possible to select Matrix price. Opter gets the price for the road toll from PTV, which means that for the road toll price item you do not fill in anything on the Matrix price tab.

  4. Click on to save all changes.

  5. Go back to the Price lists window and the Price items tab to make more settings for the road toll price item.

  6. Enter Code and optionally a Description, and then make the following settings:

    • In the Price item type drop-down list, select Extra.

    • Select the Invoice checkbox if it should be possible for road tolls to be included on invoices.

    • Select the Credit checkbox if it should be possible for road tolls to be included on supplier bills.

    • Select the Road toll checkbox.

      We recommend only having one road toll price item per price list. In other words, only one of the price items has the Road toll checkbox selected.

  7. In the Price lists window, click on the General tab. Select the Private checkbox.

    The price list is activated for specific customers in the customer registry (Pricing tab). The customer's price list is then automatically selected on the order.

    Make all price lists except one private. A price list is then automatically selected on the order based on the customer.

  8. Click on to save all changes.

Step 3: Activate road tolls for services

How to activate road tolls for a service:

  1. Click on Economy > Price lists > Services and select the service for which the settings are to be adjusted in the list on the left.
  2. Go to the Road tolls tab, select the Calculate road tolls checkbox and choose how the road tolls are to be totalled in the Summation of road tolls drop-down list:

    • Order: The road tolls are added up according to the addresses on the order, without sub-routes to intermediate terminals, i.e. as ordered by the customer.

    • Shipment: The road tolls are added up for each individual shipment which includes sub-routes to intermediate terminals, i.e. as the order is carried out.

  3. Make any other required settings in the Road tolls box, for example if you want the road tolls to be calculated using the dimensions from the price vehicle type or the default dimensions from PTV (Take vehicle dimensions into account checkbox). For more information about the settings, see Services (window).

  4. Click on to save all changes.

  5. Click on the Orders and pricing tab in the Services window and select how the distance should be totalled in the Summation of distances drop-down list:

    • Order: The distances are added up according to the addresses on the order, without the parts of the route to intermediate terminals, i.e. as ordered by the customer.

    • Shipment: The distances are added up for each individual shipment which includes the parts of the route to intermediate terminals, i.e. as the order is carried out.

    The total is displayed in italics in the Distance field in the Dimensions section of order reception.

    For more information, see Services (window).

  6. Click on to save all changes.

  7. To activate road tolls for more services, repeat the above steps.

Step 4: Enter the details for the price vehicle type

PTV uses the information to calculate the different types of road tolls that the vehicle may generate. In order for the road tolls to be correct, it is important for the settings for the price vehicle types to be correct.

  1. Click on Economy > Price lists > Price vehicle types and select the price vehicle type for which the settings are to be adjusted in the list on the left.

  2. Go to the Distance calculation tab and fill in the details for the price vehicle type in the Dimensions for PTV box.

  3. Click on to save all changes.

Step 5: Check the settings in the Currencies window

  1. Click on EconomyCurrencies.

  2. If you carry out transport in countries with currencies other than your default currency, check that those currencies are available in the Currencies window. If they do not yet exist, create them and define their exchange rates against the default currency. For more information, see Currencies.

  3. Check that the correct currency has been set for customers, suppliers and subcontractors. For instructions, see Currencies.

  4. Click on to save all changes.

Step 6: Select for which road toll types price items should be created automatically

You choose for which road toll types Opter should automatically create road toll price items, and whether they should be displayed individually or grouped. If the default settings (see below) are already suitable for your organisation, no settings need to be made in this step.

For each road toll type, it is possible to choose whether Opter should:

  • Create one price item row per road toll.

    Select the setting Management: Show individually in the instructions below.

    If there are long journeys with many road tolls to be displayed individually, it may take quite a while for the system to load all the data about the road tolls in order reception, for example. In addition, there can be a lot of information on invoices and supplier bills.

    (For more information, see Step 1 (optional): Plan how to manage road tolls above).

  • Create a price item row in which all the road tolls of a certain type are totalled and grouped by country.

    Select the setting Management: Show grouped in the instructions below.

    If you choose to group the road tolls, this means that you cannot retrieve, show or change the detailed information about, for example, each distance-based road toll or each bridge toll. However, it is possible to change the total amount.

    (For more information, see Step 1 (optional): Plan how to manage road tolls above).

  • Not create any price item at all for a particular road toll type.

    Select the setting Management: Ignore in the instructions below.

    For example, if for the country Sweden you choose Type: FERRY and Management: Ignore, no price items are created for ferry charges in Sweden.

Default settings

If no settings are made in the Countries registry or in the office settings, the default settings are used:

  • General road tolls (Type: GENERAL) are shown grouped by country.

  • All other road tolls are displayed individually, i.e. one price item row per road toll.

For example, if you want all types of road toll to be displayed individually for all countries, it is sufficient to specify in the office settings that general road tolls should be displayed individually. All other road tolls are displayed individually by default.
(To display general tolls individually, see Example for showing general road tolls individually below. Detailed instructions are available in Proceed as follows below).

Show individually

The image below shows how it may look in the Price items section in order reception if you have chosen to show one price item row per road toll. German distance-based road tolls are displayed individually with one price item row per route (A). Bridge tolls are displayed individually with one price item row per bridge toll (B). Congestion charges in Swedish cities are shown individually with one price item row per urban charge/congestion charge (C) in the image below.

Show grouped

The image below shows how it may look in the Price items section in order reception if you have chosen to group the road tolls in all countries or specifically in Germany (DE), Denmark (DK), Sweden (SE) and Norway (NO).

Proceed as follows

The settings can be made in the Countries registry on the Road toll settings tab, or under Settings > Offices on the Weight/Distance tab. It doesn't matter if the settings are made in the Countries registry or in the office settings, as essentially the same data is changed. To make the same settings for all countries, it is most efficient to make them in the office settings.

To choose for which road toll types Opter should automatically create road toll price items, and whether they should be displayed individually or grouped, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Settings > Offices and the Weight/Distance tab.

  2. In the Road toll settings box, create a new row in the table for each setting you want to make, as follows:

    • The Country column. For example, “Denmark” or “Finland”. If the setting should apply to all countries, select [Any].

      (If the setting is made in the Countries registry (on the Road toll settings tab), first search for and find the country and then make the settings for Type and Management. See below).

    • The Type column. Enter the road toll type, for example GENERAL or BRIDGE.



      General road tolls.

      For example, the Danish and German distance-based road tolls are registered as the road toll type GENERAL. The Norwegian "Bomringen - Oslo" is also registered as the road toll type GENERAL.


      Urban charges/congestion charges.

      For example, the congestion charges in Swedish cities such as Stockholm and Gothenburg are registered as the road toll type CITY.


      Bridge tolls.

      For example, the bridge toll for the Öresund Bridge is registered as the road toll type BRIDGE.


      Tunnel tolls.

      For example, the tunnel toll for the Warnowtunnel in Rostock is registered as the road toll type TUNNEL.


      Ferry charges/tickets.


      Mountain pass tolls.

    • The Management column. For example Show individually.

      Show grouped

      The road tolls are shown grouped, i.e. a price item row is created on which all road tolls of a certain type are totalled and grouped by country. For example, all the bridge tolls in the country of Denmark can be totalled and displayed on one price item row.

      Show individually

      The road tolls are displayed individually, i.e. one price item row is created for each road toll.

      For example, a new price item row can be created for each bridge toll.


      The road tolls are ignored, i.e. no price items are created.

  3. Click on to save all changes.


Step 7 (optional): Road tolls for consignments

To avoid road tolls being applied to original orders (customer orders) that are included in consignments, road tolls can be calculated only on consignment orders, i.e. not on original orders.

If road tolls are to be calculated only for consignment orders, select one of the following:

  • If different services are used for consignment orders and original orders, proceed as follows:

    1. For the service used for consignments, check that the Calculate road tolls checkbox is selected. (Click on Economy > Price lists > Services, on the Road tolls tab. Detailed instructions are available in Step 3: Activate road tolls for services above.)

    2. Ensure that the Calculate road tolls checkbox is deselected for all the other services that can be selected on original orders that may be included in consignments.

    3. If there are one or more services for which the original orders will not be included in consignments, the Calculate road tolls checkbox can be selected for these services if desired.

    4. Save all changes.

  • If the same services are used for consignment orders and original orders, proceed as follows:

    1. Make sure the Calculate road tolls checkbox is selected for the service. (Click on Economy > Price lists > Services, on the Road tolls tab. Detailed instructions are available in Step 3: Activate road tolls for services above.)

    2. Click on SettingsConsignment types, and on the General tab. Select the consignment type for which the setting is to be configured from the list on the left.

      Here we use the Credit checkbox as follows:

      If the Credit checkbox is selected, road tolls are only calculated for consignment orders, i.e. not for original orders.

      (If the Credit checkbox is selected , it also means that the consignment shipment is billed. For more information, see Consignment types (window).)

    3. Save all changes.

Step 8 (optional): Show road tolls on supplier bills

If price items are already shown on supplier bills, then road tolls (road toll price items) will also be displayed there if the Credit checkbox has been selected on the road toll price item in Step 2: Create a road toll price item above.

To display price item rows for price items (such as road tolls) on supplier bills, the following can be added in the report/template for supplier bills:

  • Retrieve price items from the database: query command="PriceItems". See line 1 in the code example below.

  • Show the price item’s name: data name=”PCC_Name”. See line 2 in the code example.

    Corresponds to the Price item column in the Price items section in order reception.

  • Show the price item’s description: data name="PIT_Descr". See line 2 in the code example.

    Corresponds to the Description column in the Price items section in order reception.

  • Show Fixed price cost for the price item: data name = "PIT_FixedPriceResource". See line 4 in the code example.

    Corresponds to the Fixed price cost column in the Price items section in order reception.

  • Show the resource’s amount: condition="AbsoluteResourceValue". See lines 2 and 4 in the code example.

  • Show amounts in the currency of the resource, see lines 5-7 in the code example below.

    Enter the symbols of the different currencies, e.g. item name="€" for euros, and link the symbol to the currency ID in your Opter, e.g. condition="PIT_CUR_Id=2". (Information about which currency has which ID number in your Opter can be found in the database. Contact the support team for assistance regarding searching the database or give it a try yourself).

Example, show road tolls in the resource’s currency
<query command="PriceItems" source="object" dataaccess="relative" y="0">
    <data name="PCC_Name,' ', PIT_Descr" x="0" y="3" width="50" positionbelow="true" condition="AbsoluteResourceValue" />
        <block condition="AbsoluteResourceValue">
            <data name="PIT_FixedPriceResource" x="145" y="3" width="20" currency="Header.SBI_CUR_Id" format="n2" condition="AbsoluteResourceValue" />
                <item name="SEK" x="157" y="3" width="15" fontsize="" condition="PIT_CUR_Id=1" />
                <item name="€" x="157" y="3" width="15" fontsize="" condition="PIT_CUR_Id=2" />
                <item name="DKK" x="157" y="3" width="15" fontsize="" condition="PIT_CUR_Id=3" />

For more information, see Reports (window).

Step 9 (optional): Show road tolls on invoices

If price items are already shown on invoices, road tolls (road toll price items) will also be displayed there if the Invoice checkbox has been selected on the road toll price item in Step 2: Create a road toll price item above.

To display price item rows for price items (such as road tolls) on invoices, the following can be added in the report/template for invoices:

  • Retrieve price items from the database: query command="PriceItems". See line 7 in the code example below.

  • Show the price item’s name: data name=”PCC_Name”. See line 8 in the code example.

    Corresponds to the Price item column in the Price items section in order reception.

  • Show the price item’s description: data name="PIT_Descr". See line 9 in the code example.

    Corresponds to the Description column in the Price items section in order reception.

  • Show Fixed price for the price item: data name ="PIT_FixedPrice. See line 11 in the code example.

    Corresponds to the Fixed price column in the Price items section in order reception.

Example, show road tolls on invoices
      <!-- Price Items -->
      <block positionbelow="true" condition="PriceItems.Count">
        <item name="Price Item" x="10" width="30" fontbold="true" />
        <item name="Description" x="40" width="40" fontbold="true" />
        <item name="Price" x="80" width="30" fontbold="true" />
        <item name="Total price" x="110" width="20" fontbold="true" />
        <query distance="5" command="PriceItems" x="0" y="0" positionbelow="true" dataaccess="relative">
          <data name="PCC_Name" x="10" width="30" fontsize="7" />
          <data name="PIT_Descr" x="40" width="40" fontsize="7"/>
          <data name="PIT_UnitPrice,' SEK'" x="80" width="30" fontsize="7" format="0.00" condition="PIT_UnitPrice" />
          <data name="PIT_FixedPrice,' SEK'" x="80" width="30" fontsize="7" format="0.00" condition="PIT_FixedPrice" />
          <data name="TotalPrice_Customer,' SEK'" x="110" width="15" fontsize="7" format="n"/>

For more information, see Reports (window).

Show road tolls in order reception

The road tolls are displayed on price item rows in the Price items section in order reception.

If the Price items section is not displayed, follow the instructions in Arranging the sections in order reception to display it. It is possible to choose which columns to display in the Price items section by clicking on Settings > Order reception > Price items settings, on the Columns tab. We recommend showing the following columns:

  • Price item, because it shows the price item’s Code and Name.

  • Description, as it shows to which bridge, tunnel, section of road or toll station the charge or toll relates, if the road toll details are shown. If you have chosen to instead group tolls, a price item row totalling, for example, all the bridge tolls in a country, or all the distance-based tolls in a country, is displayed. The Description column then shows which country’s road tolls have been totalled and grouped in the price item row.

  • Fixed price, to see the amount and be able to change a road toll manually.

  • Currency, so that the currency for the amount can be seen.

  • Quantity unit1, as it shows the number of kilometres travelled for distance-based road tolls (A). See the image below.

  • Invoice and/or Credit, if it should be possible to easily modify the road tolls that are to be invoiced and credited.

Manually changing a road toll

If a road toll is incorrect, it can be changed manually in order reception in the Price items section as follows:

  • If you have defined that Opter should create one price item row per road toll, it is possible to manually change a road toll.

  • If you have defined that Opter should create a price item row in which all the road tolls of a certain type are totalled and grouped by country, it is not possible to change the detailed information about, for example, each distance-based toll or each bridge toll, but it is possible to change the totalled amount.

For example, Norwegian bompeng road tolls may have been registered with the wrong time indicated, in which case the road toll amount obtained by Opter from PTV may be incorrect; the total amount can then be changed.

To manually change a price item row containing a road toll or a road toll total, proceed as follows:

  1. Open the order in order reception.

  2. Click on the field that is to be changed, for example in the Fixed price column, and enter the correct value.

    The icon on the far left of the row will change colour (to black) to indicate that the previously automatically created road toll item has now been changed manually. See the image below.

    To delete a price item row with road tolls, click on the far left of the price item row and then press the Delete key.

  3. Click on to save all changes.

The image above shows how the road toll price item icon looks, and that the icon changes colour from blue to black if the amount in the Fixed price column is changed or the number in the Quantity unit1 column of the price item row is changed. If the amount or number has been entered manually, the figures are shown in normal black text, see (1) and (2) in the image above.

If the amount or number has not been entered manually, the amount and number (from PTV) are shown in italic grey text.

If the number is changed in the Quantity unit1 column, nothing is recalculated. In other words, if for example you change the number of kilometers from 3,90 to 5,00 in the Quantity unit1 column in row (1) in the image above, the amount in the Fixed price column does not change. To change the road toll on row (1), enter the amount in the Fixed price column and then save the order.

If the resource on a shipment is changed

If the Calculate road tolls checkbox is selected on the service, and if the resource on a shipment changes, the price items with road tolls will be moved to the new resource.


If the road tolls are not added to the orders as they should be, the following list can be used for troubleshooting:

  • If no road toll price items are added to the orders, check:

    • That the Calculate road tolls checkbox is selected and that Order or Shipment have been selected for the service being used in the Services window, on the Road tolls tab.

    • That there is a road toll price item in the correct price list.

    • That the services for which road tolls are activated are available in the price list.

    • That the correct price list is selected on the order.

    • That the addresses are stated correctly and that the positional accuracy is sufficiently good. For more information on address positions, see Addresses and address positions.

  • If road tolls are registered on a different price item than your road toll price item, check that there is only one price item per price list with the Road toll checkbox selected, and that it is that price item that is to be used for road tolls. For more information, see Step 2: Create a road toll price item above.

  • If in the Price items section in order reception, in the Description column, it says No currency found, this can be resolved by clicking on Economy > Currencies and adding the missing currency. For instructions, see Currencies.

  • If a road toll has the wrong amount (and this has been included in an order), it can be changed manually in order reception. For instructions, see Manually changing a road toll above.

    A road toll, such as a congestion charge in a city, can be a different amount at different times of the day. Opter will not know at what time of day the vehicle passes through the charging point, so the time 11.00 am is used when calculating the price of the price item. This generally corresponds to an average price.