Last updated: 10.09.2021

Valid from: 2019.06.00 and later

PTV Map&Guide

In cooperation with PTV Map&Guide, we can offer a range of different services in Opter, including distance calculations between street addresses. PTV Map&Guide is an optional extra available for an additional fee. No software has to be installed as the information is downloaded directly from Map&Guide’s cloud servers. Contact for more information. Or visit

Some of the features that can be accessed through PTV Map&Guide in Opter:

  • Distance lookup between addresses in Europe.
  • Show the addresses and route on the map in order reception.
  • Show the addresses for the selected shipments on the map in dispatch.
  • Show the addresses for the selected vehicle’s shipments on the map in dispatch.
  • Route optimisation of shipments for a vehicle in dispatch. (Route optimisation for multiple vehicles at the same time is an optional extra service.)
  • Calculation of road charges such as Norwegian and German tolls.