Last updated: 25.12.2023

Valid from: 2018.12.00 and later

How Opter chooses price lists

Opter chooses the price list using the following priority order:

  1. The setting in the Price list drop-down list on the General tab in the customer registry. However, we recommend not selecting a specific price list here but instead entering [Default]. If a price list is stated here, it will not be automatically changed based on the date, for example if a new price list comes into effect at the start of a new year. The specified price list is selected on the orders, but they cannot be saved as the price list is no longer valid.
  2. A private price list, with valid region and valid dates, which is activated for the customer. You can select which private price lists are activated for the customer on the Pricing tab in the customer registry.
  3. The default price list (the one marked with in the Price lists window), if the region and date are valid and the Private checkbox in the General tab is not selected.
  4. A publicly available price list that is activated for the customer. The general price lists that are activated can be seen on the Pricing tab in the customer registry.