Last updated: 07.12.2022

Applies from: 2020.08.00 and later

Import of attachments, window

SettingsAttachment imports

How automatic file imports should be done in Opter is defined in this window. The files are then saved in the way specified in the Imported attachments field in System Settings (window).


NameThe name of the import. Multiple imports can be created if you want to monitor several different folders.
File category

The type of files to be imported is selected here. The available options are listed in the Categories for attachments window that can be opened with .


If the Categories for attachments window is opened by clicking on , when that window is closed, the file category selected there will be selected for monitoring. Always check that the correct file category is selected when saving monitoring.

Path to import files folderThe path to the folder that is to be monitored. This can be a local folder on the computer where Opter is installed, or on a file server. It can be specified in the format C:\folder or \\computername\folder.
Freight bill number first in file name

Specify whether the file should be linked to orders via the freight bill number or the order number.

: The name of the file being imported is matched with the freight bill number in Opter.

: The name of the file being imported is matched with the order number in Opter.

For more information, see Linking imported files to orders automatically.


These fields are used in special cases and should be left empty.


Changes in this window do not take effect until the import service (poller service) has been restarted.