Last updated: 02.12.2021

Valid from: 2019.12.00 and later

Adjusting order dates on orders imported via EDI

Some EDI data providers send EDI in advance, without knowing exactly on which day the goods will be transported, and the order date is therefore sometimes wrong. When the goods arrive at the terminal, the order needs to be updated with the right date so that it has the right delivery times and routes, and so that it is handled correctly in dispatch and in the statistics. In such cases, it is advisable to select the Reset order date upon scanning box when the order is created via the EDI import.

If the Reset order date upon scanning checkbox is selected on an order the following occurs, either when a proof of delivery is saved or when a scan is registered on the order:

  1. The Reset order date upon scanning checkbox is deselected.

  2. The order is given a new order date.

  3. The times are adjusted in line with the new date.

  4. If the service on the order has auto dispatch enabled, the order is automatically dispatched.

  5. If the order has not already been invoiced, the price will be recalculated.

  6. The order is saved.