Last updated: 02.08.2024

Valid from: 2023.06.00 and later


A deviation in Opter means that something unforeseen has happened to the goods. Deviations can be registered by drivers and terminal staff in Opter Driver and Opter Terminal, directly in order reception and order check, or imported via EDI.

Deviations can also be used as a complement to delays, and it can be made mandatory to record delays as deviations.

The framework for the deviations (types, events and reasons) is configured in Opter and can then be used when the deviations are registered.

Type, event and reason

The deviations have three levels, which are created in Settings > Deviations.

  • Deviation type: The type is the top level and can be used to categorise the deviations. It can be configured to be mandatory to specify an event for certain deviation types, and the events that should be available for a type can also be defined. For more information, see Deviation types, window.

  • Deviation event: Events can be a more detailed specification of what happened to the goods. It can be configured to be mandatory to specify a reason for certain deviation events, and which types and causes an event should be available for can also be defined. For more information, see Deviation event, window.

  • Deviation reason: Reasons can be an explanation for the deviation. The events that a reason should be available for can be defined. For more information, see Deviation reasons, window.


In most cases, registration takes place in Opter Driver or Opter Terminal.


If the deviations are recorded in the apps, it is possible to add pictures. It is possible to take a picture during the registration process or select an existing picture.

Approval of deviations

It is possible to choose whether or not deviations registered in Opter Driver have to be approved in dispatch.