Last updated: 24.09.2020

Applies from: 2018.12.00 and later

Deviation types, window

Settings > Deviations > Deviation types

In this window, the types of deviation that can be registered in order reception, order check and the apps can be defined. The list on the left shows the deviation types that have been saved.

The deviation type is the top level and can be used to categorise the deviations.

FunctionExplanationDefault setting
NameThe name of the type. Displayed in the list on the left.
DescriptionFree text field for internal notes. The description is not displayed anywhere else but here.
Notify operator by emailEnter an email address here if you want to send a message to someone when a deviation of this type is registered.
Force deviation commentMake it mandatory to fill in the comment field when a deviation is registered.
Force deviation event

Make it mandatory to enter an event when a deviation is registered.

Force deviation image in mobile deviceMake it mandatory to attach an image when a deviation is registered in Opter Driver or Opter Terminal.
Available in mobile deviceSelect whether to allow this type of deviation to be registered in Opter Driver. If the checkbox is selected, the type will be displayed as an option when a deviation is registered in the app.
Available in Opter TerminalSelect whether to allow this type of deviation to be registered in Opter Terminal. If the checkbox is selected, the type will be displayed as an option when a deviation is registered in the app.
Deviation eventsA list of the deviation events that can be specified when a deviation of the current type is registered. The checkboxes are updated if the corresponding setting is changed in the Deviation events window. When a new deviation type is created, all the events are selected by default.