Last updated: 27.03.2023

Valid from: 2022.12.00 and later, Opter Driver for Android 1.9.7, Opter Driver for iOS 2.2.2 and later

Information linked to the customer’s address

There is a free text field for the customer's visiting address in the customer registry where you can enter special instructions that apply to that address, such as safety instructions for loading or unloading. The information can then be displayed in order reception, order check, on the web and in Opter Driver for orders where the address appears.

Step 1: Activate the function

The field must first be activated in the customer registry so that the information can be added. Proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Settings > Address settings.
  2. Select Registry from the list on the left.
  3. Select the checkbox in the Visible column for the Info field.

Step 2: Display the information

This is how to display the information you enter in the information field in different places:

See also