Last updated: 2024-06-05

Applies from: Opter 2023.12.00


In App.Design you can set the information to be displayed on the tabs and detail views in Opter Driver for Android (classic).


App.Design is used for Opter Driver for Android (classic). App.Design is also used for Opter Driver for iOS until Opter 2022.11.xx. For more information on how to set up the views in Opter Driver for iOS, see Configuring which fields are displayed in Opter Driver for iOS.

(As of Opter 2022.12.00, we recommend using the Design field for mobile or App.OpterDriver.Design window for Opter Driver for iOS and Opter Driver Labs for Android. If you want to have your own layout in Opter Driver for iOS and Opter Driver Labs for Android, you can create it either in App.OpterDriver.Design or App.Design, but if you want to be able to use all the features available in Opter Driver for iOS and Opter Driver Labs for Android, you must use App.OpterDriver.Design, not App.Design. For more information on how to customise Opter Driver for iOS and Opter Driver Labs for Android, see Customising the layout and features of Opter Driver).

This article describes the basics and structure of App.Design. For more information, see the special articles:

To open App.Design in Opter’s internal editor, click on Settings > Mobile data > Settings mobile data, and then on Edit next to App.Design.


All other windows in Opter are locked when Layout - apps is open, but you can switch between different windows that are already open. If you need to see information in other windows, you can open them before opening Layout - apps.

In a clean installation of Opter, App.Design looks like this.

Copy code

Factory settings

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <design designname="Standard" default="true">
        <item itemname="CURRENTSTATUS" width="60" />
        <item itemname="EARLIESTPICKUPTIME" width="20" />
        <item itemname="LATESTDELIVERYTIME" width="20" />
        <item itemname="ADDRESSFROM,' / ',STREETFROM,' ',STREETNOFROM,' / ',CITYFROM" width="100" />
        <item itemname="ADDRESSTO,' / ',STREETTO,' ',STREETNOTO,' / ',CITYTO" width="100" />
        <item itemname="CURRENTSTATUS" width="50" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="CUSTOMER" width="50" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="SERVICETYPE" width="50" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="ORDERDATE" width="50" font="LARGE" />

      <!-- Sender -->
        <item itemname="'Lastas'" width="50" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="EARLIESTPICKUPTIME" width="25" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="'-'" width="5" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="LATESTPICKUPTIME" width="25" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="ADDRESSFROM" multiline="false" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="STREETFROM,' ',STREETNOFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="ADDRESS2FROM" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="ADDRESS3FROM" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="ZIPCODEFROM,' ',CITYFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="PHONEFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="'PK: ',ENTRECODEFROM" condition="ENTRECODEFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="SENDERREFERENCE" width="100" font="LARGE" />

      <!-- Mottaker oppdrag -->
        <item itemname="'Lossas'" width="50" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="EARLIESTDELIVERYTIME" width="25" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="'-'" width="5" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="LATESTDELIVERYTIME" width="25" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="ADDRESSTO" multiline="false" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="STREETTO,' ',STREETNOTO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="ADDRESS2TO" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="ADDRESS3TO" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="ZIPCODETO,' ',CITYTO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="PHONETO" width="100" font="LARGE" />-->
        <item itemname="'PK: ',ENTRECODETO" condition="ENTRECODETO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="RECEIVERREFERENCE" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="CUSTOMERPROJECT" width="50" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="PROJECTNUMBER" width="50" font="LARGE" />

      <!-- Avsender/Mottaker ordre -->
        <item itemname="'Avsändare'" width="60" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="DELIVERYADDRESSFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="DELIVERYSTREETFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="DELIVERYCITYFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />

        <item itemname="'Mottagare'" width="60" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="DELIVERYADDRESSTO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="DELIVERYSTREETTO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="DELIVERYCITYTO" width="100" font="LARGE" />

      <!-- Dimensions -->
        <item itemname="PACKAGES,' kli'" condition="PACKAGES" width="40" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="WEIGHT,' kg'" condition="WEIGHT" width="60" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="VOLUME,' m3'" condition="VOLUME" width="33" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="LOADMETER,' flm'" condition="LOADMETER" width="33" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="AREA,' ppl'" condition="AREA" width="33" font="LARGEBOLD" />

        <item itemname="'Tillägg:'" condition="ADDSERVICECOUNT" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="ADDSERVICE.QUANTITY" width="20" />
        <item itemname="ADDSERVICE.NAME" width="80" />

        <item itemname="'Lösaföremål:'" condition="LOOSEITEMCOUNT" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="LOOSEITEM.NAME" width="20" />
        <item itemname="LOOSEITEM.STARTINGQUANTITY" width="80" />
        <item itemname="LOOSEITEM.ENDINGQUANTITY" width="80" />

        <item itemname="'Kollin:'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="'A'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="5" />
        <item itemname="'KT" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="12" />
        <item itemname="'VIKT'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="18" />
        <item itemname="'L'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="11" />
        <item itemname="'B'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="11" />
        <item itemname="'H'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="11" />
        <item itemname="'KLI ID'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="32" />
        <item itemname="PACKAGE.QUANTITY" width="5" />
        <item itemname="PACKAGE.PACKAGETYPE" width="12" />
        <item itemname="PACKAGE.WEIGHT" width="18" />
        <item itemname="PACKAGE.DEPTH" width="11" />
        <item itemname="PACKAGE.WIDTH" width="11" />
        <item itemname="PACKAGE.HEIGHT" width="11" />
        <item itemname="PACKAGE.PACKAGEID" width="32" />

        <item itemname="'POD:'" condition="PODCOUNT" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="POD.DATE" width="25" />
        <item itemname="POD.TIME" width="25" />
        <item itemname="POD.NAME" width="50" />

        <item itemname="'Avvikelser:'" condition="DAMAGECOUNT" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="DAMAGE.TYPE" width="35" />
        <item itemname="DAMAGE.COMMENT" width="65" />

        <item itemname="'Artiklar:'" condition="PRICEITEMCOUNT" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="PRICEITEM.UNIT1QUANTITY" width="25" />
        <item itemname="PRICEITEM.UNIT1NAME" width="25" />
        <item itemname="PRICEITEM.DESCR" width="50" />

      <!-- Message -->
        <item itemname="SENDERINSTRUCTION" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="DRIVERMESSAGEFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="DRIVERMESSAGETO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="DRIVERMESSAGE" width="100" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="CUSTOMER" width="50" />
        <item itemname="CUSTOMERLOGOTYPE" width="40" />
        <item itemname="'$from;',': ',DELIVERYADDRESSFROM"/>
        <item itemname="'$to;',': ',ADDRESSTO"/>
        <item itemname="'$package_quantity;',': ',PODPACKAGECOUNT" condition="PODPACKAGECOUNT"/>
        <item font="BOLD" itemname="CREDITEDTOOTHERRESOURCEBLOCK"/>
        <item font="BOLD" itemname="CREDITEDTOOTHERRESOURCEWARNING"/>
        <item font="BOLD" itemname="CREDITEDTOOTHERRESOURCE"/>
        <item itemname="STATUS,' ',PACKAGECOUNT"/>
        <item itemname="FREIGHTBILLTITLE,FREIGHTBILL"/>
        <item itemname="PACKAGEIDTITLE,PACKAGEID"/>
        <item itemname="ADDRESSFROMTITLE,ADDRESSFROM"/>
        <item itemname="ADDRESSTOTITLE,ADDRESSTO"/>
        <item font="BOLD" itemname="CREDITEDTOOTHERRESOURCEBLOCK"/>
        <item font="BOLD" itemname="CREDITEDTOOTHERRESOURCEWARNING"/>
        <item font="BOLD" itemname="CREDITEDTOOTHERRESOURCE"/>
        <item itemname="STATUS,PACKAGECOUNT"/>
        <item itemname="ORDERIDTITLE,ORDERID"/>
        <item itemname="FREIGHTBILLTITLE,FREIGHTBILL"/>
        <item itemname="PACKAGEIDTITLE,PACKAGEID"/>
        <item itemname="ADDRESSTOTITLE"/>
        <item itemname="ADDRESSTO"/>
        <item itemname="STREETTO,STREETNOTO"/>
        <item itemname="ZIPCODETO,CITYTO"/>
        <item itemname="ADDRESSFROMTITLE"/>
        <item itemname="ADDRESSFROM"/>
        <item itemname="STREETFROM,STREETNOFROM"/>
        <item itemname="ZIPCODEFROM,CITYFROM"/>

The sections of App.Design

Each part of Opter Driver corresponds to a section of App.Design. The sections can be minimised and maximised by using and in the editor. If one of the sections is not in your App.Design, a standard view is used.

Changes made in App.Design are saved when Save is clicked in the Mobile data settings window, and are visible in the app once the drivers have logged out and back in again.


If any section to be customised is missing in App.Design, it can be copied from the factory setting above in order to start from there instead of building the section from scratch.

<summaryrows>, the shipment lists on the New, Todo and Done tabs

This is where to set what should be displayed on the shipments in the shipment lists. Conditions, colours and calculations can be used. Different settings can be used for different customers, vehicle types and services.

<expandedrows>, detail view

This is where to set what is displayed when the driver opens a shipment by tapping on it in one of the shipment lists. Conditions, colours and calculations can be used. Different settings can be used for different customers, vehicle types and services.

<podrows>, the POD view

This is where to set what is displayed when the receiver signs the proof of delivery after a shipment has been unloaded. Conditions, colours and calculations can be used. Different settings can be used for different customers, vehicle types and services.

<scanrows>, the scan list on the Scan tab

This is where to set what is shown in the list when the driver has scanned packages or freight bills. Conditions, colours and calculations cannot be used. For more information, see The scan list in Opter Driver.

<scandetailrows>, the detail view for scans

This is where to set what is displayed when the driver opens a scan by giving a long press on a scan in the list and selecting More information. Conditions, colours and calculations cannot be used.


Customise the information that is displayed about the shipments by adding rows to the different sections using the <row></row> pair of tags. Several elements can be added to the same row.

All information and layout is added in <item> tags within the <row> tags.

Copy code

Displays the order date on one line, and the status, pickup time and delivery time on the next line.

        <item itemname="ORDERDATE" width="50" font="LARGE" />
        <item itemname="CURRENTSTATUS" font="NORMAL" />
        <item itemname="EARLIESTPICKUPTIME" font="NORMAL" />
        <item itemname="LATESTDELIVERYTIME" font="NORMAL" />

Parameters for <item>

The values of all parameters must be enclosed within straight double quotes ("), see code example. Multiple values for the same parameter are delimited by commas (,).


Any text between <!-- and --> in the XML file is only displayed in App.Design and does not affect the layout. Comments are displayed in green text in the editor.

Copy code

The comment <!-- Dimensions --> is for information only.

      <!-- Dimensions -->
        <item itemname="PACKAGES,' kli'" condition="PACKAGES" width="40" font="LARGEBOLD" />
        <item itemname="WEIGHT,' kg'" condition="WEIGHT" width="60" font="LARGEBOLD" />


To restore the default settings for a section, the changes can be marked as comments by putting them between <!-- and --> instead of deleting them. This way it is possible to use them later on or in another section.

See also