Last updated: 05.06.2024

Valid from: 2023.04.00 and later

Placeholder in App.Design

App.Design is used for Opter Driver for Android (classic).For more information on how to define views in Opter Driver for iOS, see Configuring which fields are displayed in Opter Driver for iOS.

(From Opter 2022.12.00, we recommend using the Design field for mobile or App.OpterDriver.Designwindow for Opter Driver for iOS och Opter Driver Labs for Android. To have a custom layout in Opter Driver for iOS and Opter Driver Labs for Android, this can be created in either App.OpterDriver.Design or App.Design, but to be able to use all the features that are available, App.OpterDriver.Design needs to be used rather than App.Design.For more information on how to customise Opter Driver for iOS and Opter Driver Labs for Android, see Customising the layout and features of Opter Driver).

The following placeholders can be used in App.Design to retrieve information from the system and display it in Opter Driver.

See also