Last updated: 16.01.2023
Valid from: 2021.05.00 and later, Opter Driver for Android 1.7.6 and later
Showing the description of the terminal in Opter Driver
Information can be displayed in the Description field in the Opter Driver terminal registry. It is possible to add the information in all views (shipment list, detail view, POD view and so on), but as the text may be long, it is best to place it in the detail view, <expandedrows> in App.Design. For more information about the sections in App.Design, see App.Design.
Step 1: Choose what is to be shown
First, choose whether to display the departure or arrival terminal, or both, in the app. The name and description are displayed with different variables depending on whether the terminal is the departure or arrival terminal for the shipment. The following variables are used to display the name and description:
ADDRESSHUBNAMEFROM: the name of the terminal from which the goods are to be sent.
ADDRESSHUBTEXTFROM: the description of the departure terminal.
ADDRESSHUBNAMETO: the name of the terminal to which the goods are to be sent.
ADDRESSHUBTEXTTO: the description of the arrival terminal.
DELIVERYADDRESSHUBNAMEFROM: the name of the terminal if the terminal is shown as the sender on the order.
DELIVERYADDRESSHUBTEXTFROM: the description of the departure terminal if the terminal is shown as the sender on the order.
DELIVERYADDRESSHUBNAMETO: the name of the terminal if the terminal is shown as the receiver on the order.
DELIVERYADDRESSHUBTEXTTO: the description of the arrival terminal if the terminal is shown as receiver on the order.
Example 1
An order goes from the sender via two terminals to the receiver, i.e. three shipments. The sender and receiver on the order are not terminals. The following variables are used to display the names and descriptions of the terminals in the three shipments.
The first shipment goes from the sender to terminal 1, ADDRESSHUBNAMETO/ADDRESSHUBTEXTTO.
The second shipment goes from terminal 1, ADDRESSHUBNAMEFROM/ADDRESSHUBTEXTFROM (2a) to terminal 2, ADDRESSHUBNAMETO/ADDRESSHUBTEXTTO (2b).
The third shipment goes from terminal 2, ADDRESSHUBNAMEFROM/ADDRESSHUBTEXTFROM to the receiver.
So if the order has more than one shipment, the terminals are therefore both arrival and departure terminals depending on which shipments you are looking at. In the above example, terminal 1 is the arrival terminal of shipment 1 and the departure terminal of shipment 2 and so on.
Example 2
An order goes from the sender via two terminals to the receiver, i.e. three shipments. The sender and receiver on the order are terminals. The following variables are used to display the names and descriptions of the terminals in the three shipments.
The second shipment goes from terminal 2, ADDRESSHUBNAMEFROM/ADDRESSHUBTEXTFROM (2a) to terminal 3, ADDRESSHUBNAMETO/ADDRESSHUBTEXTTO (2b).
Step 2: Choose where to display the information
Click on Settings > Mobile data > Settings mobile data and open App.Design. In the code example below, the names and descriptions of both the departure and arrival terminals have been added after the receiver address in the detail view, <expandedrows>.
The conditions, condition="DELIVERYADDRESSHUBNAMEFROM" etc, mean that the fields are not displayed at all if there is no information in the corresponding fields in Opter. For example, the line with the text “Sender terminal” and the DELIVERYADDRESSHUBNAMEFROM variable does not appear in the above Opter Driver screenshot because the sender of that order is not a terminal.
Close the Layout window, when you have finished, and click on Save in Mobile data settings.
Lines 102-128 show information from the terminal registry as in the picture in the introduction.
<item itemname="CURRENTSTATUS" width="50" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="CUSTOMER" width="50" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="SERVICETYPE" width="50" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="ORDERDATE" width="50" font="LARGE" />
<!-- Sender -->
<item itemname="'Lastas'" width="50" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="EARLIESTPICKUPTIME" width="25" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="'-'" width="5" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="LATESTPICKUPTIME" width="25" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="ADDRESSFROM" multiline="false" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="STREETFROM,' ',STREETNOFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="ADDRESS2FROM" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="ADDRESS3FROM" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="ZIPCODEFROM,' ',CITYFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="PHONEFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="'PK: ',ENTRECODEFROM" condition="ENTRECODEFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="SENDERREFERENCE" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<!-- Mottaker oppdrag -->
<item itemname="'Lossas'" width="50" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="EARLIESTDELIVERYTIME" width="25" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="'-'" width="5" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="LATESTDELIVERYTIME" width="25" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="ADDRESSTO" multiline="false" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="STREETTO,' ',STREETNOTO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="ADDRESS2TO" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="ADDRESS3TO" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="ZIPCODETO,' ',CITYTO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="PHONETO" width="100" font="LARGE" />-->
<item itemname="'PK: ',ENTRECODETO" condition="ENTRECODETO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="RECEIVERREFERENCE" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="CUSTOMERPROJECT" width="50" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="PROJECTNUMBER" width="50" font="LARGE" />
<!-- Avsender/Mottaker ordre -->
<item itemname="'Avsändare'" width="60" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="DELIVERYADDRESSFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="DELIVERYSTREETFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="DELIVERYCITYFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="'Mottagare'" width="60" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="DELIVERYADDRESSTO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="DELIVERYSTREETTO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="DELIVERYCITYTO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="'Ankomstterminal: ',DELIVERYADDRESSHUBNAMETO" condition="DELIVERYADDRESSHUBNAMETO"/>
<item itemname="'Från terminal: ',ADDRESSHUBNAMEFROM" condition="ADDRESSHUBNAMEFROM"/>
<item itemname="'Beskrivning: ',ADDRESSHUBTEXTFROM" condition="ADDRESSHUBTEXTFROM" />
<item itemname="'Till terminal: ',ADDRESSHUBNAMETO" condition="ADDRESSHUBNAMETO" />
<item itemname="'Beskrivning: ',ADDRESSHUBTEXTTO" condition="ADDRESSHUBTEXTTO"/>
<!-- Dimensions -->
<item itemname="PACKAGES,' kli'" condition="PACKAGES" width="40" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="WEIGHT,' kg'" condition="WEIGHT" width="60" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="VOLUME,' m3'" condition="VOLUME" width="33" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="LOADMETER,' flm'" condition="LOADMETER" width="33" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="AREA,' ppl'" condition="AREA" width="33" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="'Tillägg:'" condition="ADDSERVICECOUNT" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="ADDSERVICE.QUANTITY" width="20" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="ADDSERVICE.NAME" width="80" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="'Lösaföremål:'" condition="LOOSEITEMCOUNT" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="LOOSEITEM.NAME" width="20" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="LOOSEITEM.STARTINGQUANTITY" width="80" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="LOOSEITEM.ENDINGQUANTITY" width="80" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="'Kollin:'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="'A'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="5" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="'KT'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="12" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="'VIKT'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="18" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="'L'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="11" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="'B'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="11" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="'H'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="11" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="'KLI ID'" condition="PACKAGECOUNT" width="32" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="PACKAGE.QUANTITY" width="5" font="SMALL" />
<item itemname="PACKAGE.PACKAGETYPE" width="12" font="SMALL" />
<item itemname="PACKAGE.WEIGHT" width="18" font="SMALL" />
<item itemname="PACKAGE.DEPTH" width="11" font="SMALL" />
<item itemname="PACKAGE.WIDTH" width="11" font="SMALL" />
<item itemname="PACKAGE.HEIGHT" width="11" font="SMALL" />
<item itemname="PACKAGE.PACKAGEID" width="32" font="SMALL" />
<item itemname="'POD:'" condition="PODCOUNT" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="POD.DATE" width="25" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="POD.TIME" width="25" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="POD.NAME" width="50" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="'Avvikelser:'" condition="DAMAGECOUNT" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="DAMAGE.TYPE" width="35" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="DAMAGE.COMMENT" width="65" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="'Artiklar:'" condition="PRICEITEMCOUNT" width="100" font="LARGEBOLD" />
<item itemname="PRICEITEM.UNIT1QUANTITY" width="25" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="PRICEITEM.UNIT1NAME" width="25" font="NORMAL" />
<item itemname="PRICEITEM.DESCR" width="50" font="NORMAL" />
<!-- Message -->
<item itemname="SENDERINSTRUCTION" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="DRIVERMESSAGEFROM" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="DRIVERMESSAGETO" width="100" font="LARGE" />
<item itemname="DRIVERMESSAGE" width="100" font="LARGE" />