Last updated: 10.05.2023
Valid from: 2020.04.00 and later, Opter Driver for Android 1.5.6 and later
Activating SMS with a link to Track & Trace
The receiver can sign the proof of delivery in Track & Trace. To facilitate this, the driver can send an SMS with a link that leads directly to the order in Track & Trace from Opter Driver. The option to send the link appears when the driver changes the status of the shipment to Picked up and Delivered manually, not when scanning.
If you only change the status by scanning, but still want to send links to Track & Trace, the driver can go back into the shipment again and manually change the status to the one set during the scan. The Send SMS for signature option will be then displayed.
Step 1: Set the mobile data settings
Two mobile data settings need to be set, SMSSignaturePermission and InternetBaseAddress. Proceed as follows:
- Click on Settings > Mobile data > Settings mobile data.
- Click on an empty row in the Name column.
- Enter SMSSignaturePermission, or select it from the list by clicking on the down arrow on the row.
- Enter “True” in the Value column.
- Click on an empty row in the Name column again and then on the down arrow on the row being added.
- Select InternetBaseAddress from the list.
- Enter “http://<domain name or web IP address>”, for example “”, in the Value column and then click on Save. The domain name or IP address is the part before “/opter/tt” on your Track & Trace.
Step 2: Show the Sign POD button on Track & Trace
Click on Settings > Internet > Internet order settings.
Select configuration from the list on the left, go to the Track & Trace tab and select Allow POD from T&T customer.
Click on to save all changes.
As the button is activated as soon as the status of the shipment is set to Picked up, the receiver can search for the order and sign right then if they know the order number. We therefore recommend deselecting Search by order number under Search options. Then the receiver cannot go to the order until they have received a link to it.
To hide the order number in the link, Encrypted search should also be selected. Otherwise, the receiver can easily figure out other order numbers and search for them (unless Search by order number is deselected).
Step 3: Send the SMS from Opter Driver and sign in Track & Trace
The driver can now send an SMS with a link to Track & Trace when they change the status to Picked up or Delivered. For more information, see Sending an SMS with a link to Track & Trace and Signing the proof of delivery in Track & Trace.
When the receiver signs, a POD of the type selected by default is registered in the Proof of delivery types window. However, the status of the shipment does not change. The reason is that the signing function is displayed in Track & Trace from the Picked up status, and if the receiver signs in before the goods have been delivered, and the POD type is set to change the status to Delivered, the shipment disappears from the driver’s Todo tab even though the goods have not been delivered.