Last updated: 24.09.2021

Valid from: 2021.06.00 and later, Opter Driver for Android 1.8.0 and later

Configuring which terminals are displayed in Opter Driver for Android

You can set which terminals are displayed in the app. This makes the list of terminals more relevant for the users. No terminals will be displayed until it has been defined which terminals are to be displayed in the app.

The list of terminals is shown in the following situations:

  • When the driver selects the Leave at terminal option.
  • When the driver is scanning and selects Terminal arrival or Terminal departure.

If Opter has the required information, the terminals are displayed in the following order in the list in the app:

  • The nearest terminals.

  • The most frequently used terminals.

  • The rest of the terminals, in alphabetical order.

To enable the app to display the nearest and most frequently used terminals at the top of the list in the app, follow the instructions in step 2 and step 3 below. If Opter does not have the required information, the app will display all the selectable terminals in alphabetical order.

Step 1: Define which terminals are displayed in the app

How to select the terminals which are displayed in the app:

  1. Click on Register > Terminals.
  2. In the list on the left, select the terminal that is to be displayed in the app.

    Multiple terminals can be selected in the list, but only the first one that is selected will have its changes saved. In other words, it is only possible to configure the settings for one terminal at a time.

  1. Select the Available in mobile device checkbox on the General tab. The change applies to all users of the app.
  2. Click on to save all changes.

Users who are logged in to the app when the changes are saved in Opter must log out and then log back in to the app to see the changes.

Step 2: Display the nearest terminals in the app

In order to be able to display the nearest terminals at the top of the list of selectable terminals in the app, the terminals must have a position in Opter and be within a radius of 500 metres from the position of the mobile device. Up to five terminals can be displayed in the list of nearest terminals.

To make the list in the app show the nearest terminals at the top, proceed as follows:

  1. In Opter, click on Register > Terminals.

  2. For those terminals where the Available in mobile device checkbox on the General tab is selected, go to the Map tab and check that the terminal has coordinates in the Longitude and Latitude fields.

    If the terminal has no coordinates, it has no position.

    Opter can automatically assign a position to each terminal based on where the package scans have taken place. If you do not perform package scans, you can assign each terminal a position manually.

  3. If the terminal does not have a position, click on the map and use the map’s zoom function to give the terminal a position.

  4. Click on to save all changes.

Users who are logged in to the app when the changes are saved in Opter must log out and then log back in to the app to see the changes.

Step 3: Display the most used terminals in the app

Opter Driver calculates which three terminals the driver uses the most. The three most frequently used terminals are calculated each time the driver selects the Leave at terminal option and each time the driver is scanning and selects Terminal arrival or Terminal departure.

The calculations to determine the most used terminals start from scratch again if the Opter Driver app is reinstalled.