Last updated: 17.01.2022

Applies from: 2021.12.00 and later

Customising the package view in Opter Driver

The package view is displayed in Opter Driver when a shipment has been opened on one of the Todo or Donetabs, and then Packages on the menu is tapped, followed by a package.

It is possible to choose which fields should be displayed in the package view, for example Goods type, Height, Length, Width and Weight. It is also possible to choose which names to display and the order in which they are listed. The settings for the package view are configured by using the mobile data settings that start with SHI_, for example SPA_GoodsTypePermission, SPA_GoodsTypeName and SPA_GoodsTypeOrder.


If no settings are configured for any of the mobile data settings starting with SPA_, all the fields in the list in the package view will be displayed with default names.

There are three types of SPA_settings: