Last updated: 26.11.2021

Applies from: 2021.11.00 and later

Blocking delivery scanning if the shipment is not assigned to the resource

The scan made at the time the order is delivered to the final receiver is called the delivery scan and has the proof of delivery type Delivered (or whatever you have chosen to call it). The delivery scan is therefore the scan that is carried out when unloading the last shipment on the order, and sets the entire order to the delivered status (Delivered).

It can be configured so that only the resource that has been assigned the shipment can do a delivery scan for it in the Opter Driver app, see the instructions below.


The Delivered proof of delivery type is sometimes entered on shipments other than the last one by the driver or via EDI, for example if the remaining shipments on the order are being carried out by a different supplier. This can result, for example, in notifications being sent to the final receiver, stating that the goods have been delivered, even when that is not the case.

It can be set up so that a certain proof of delivery type (for example Delivered) may only be used for the last shipment on an order. If it is used on a shipment other than the last one, the proof of delivery type is changed to the type you have set, for example “Cargo leg delivered”. For more information about how to set this up, see Preventing a proof of delivery type from being used for shipments other than the last one on the order.

Block delivery scanning for resources that do not have the shipment assigned to it

  1. Click on Settings > Offices > Scanning.
  2. Choose how delivery scans should be handled in the Opter Driver app if the resource has not been assigned the shipment, by making one of the following two choices:
    • If only the resource that has been assigned the shipment should be able to do a delivery scan for it, select the Block delivery scan if the shipment is not allocated to the resource checkbox.

      For example, if an order has two shipments, and a resource is assigned the first shipment, then when that shipment is unloaded the resource should not be able to do a delivery scan.

    • If resources should be able to perform delivery scans on shipments assigned to them and shipments that are not assigned to them, deselect the Block delivery scan if the shipment is not allocated to the resource checkbox.

  3. Click on to save all changes.


If you want to block departure scanning and/or pick-up scanning for resources that do not have the mission assigned to them, instructions are available at Block or warn about another resource when scanning in Opter Driver for iOS.

See also

Preventing a proof of delivery type from being used for shipments other than the last one on the order

Customise the scan list in Opter Driver for iOS