Last updated: 2024-07-22

Applies from: Opter 2024.06.00, Opter Driver for iOS and Opter Driver Labs for Android 2.4.15

Block or warn about another resource when scanning in Opter Driver for iOS

You can set it up so that the scan is blocked or the driver receives a warning if they try to depart and/or pick up a mission that is not scheduled on that resource. You set the status from which departure and/or pick-up scans are blocked or the driver receives a warning.

You make the general setting in the office settings. After that, you can make exceptions for certain drivers and/or vehicles.

Block scanning

If you have set it to block scanning from a certain status onwards if the driver tries to scan a mission that is not scheduled on that resource, the text Stop! This shipment is assigned to a different resource.The shipment is planned for a different resource will be displayed. The driver can also see which resource the mission is planned on, see image below.


There is no change of status or change of resource. The scan is displayed in the order log in the order reception, (see the Order log tab in the Order log section).

Instructions for drivers can be found in Scan freight bills and package labels with Opter Driver for iOS.

To block scanning on another resource when scanning, follow these steps:

  1. Click on SettingsOffices > and on the Scanning tab. In the Status box, set the status from which departure and pick-up scans are blocked. Use the drop-down lists Block change of status/resource if other resource when departure scanning from following status (inclusive) and Block change of status/resource if other resource when pickup scanning from following status (inclusive). More information is available in Office (window).

  2. If you want to make exceptions for certain drivers, you can set it up under Register > Employees on the tab Mobile/web. Use the drop-down lists Block change of status/resource if other resource when departure scan from following status (inclusive) and Block change of status/resource if other resource when pickup scan from following status (inclusive). More information is available in Employees (window).

  3. An exception for a specific vehicle can be set up at Register > Vehicles, on the Mobile/web tab. Use the drop-down lists Block status/resource change if other resource when departure scanning from status (inclusive) and Block status/resource change if other resource when pickup scanning from status (inclusive). More information is available in Vehicles (window).

  4. Save all changes.


For example, if you want to change the colour of the text displayed in the app and you are using the XML file App.OpterDriver.Design, search for OTHERRESORUCEBLOCKING and OTHERRESOURCERESOURCE, and change the colour of the two lines in the scanrows and/or scandetailrows sections. More information can be found at App.OpterDriver.Design.


If you want to block delivery scanning for a resource that does not have the assignment assigned to it, there are instructions in Blocking delivery scanning if the shipment is not assigned to the resource.

Warning when scanning

If you have set it up so that the resource (driver/vehicle) receives a warning in Opter Driver from a certain status that the driver is departing or picking up something belonging to another resource's mission, the text Note! This shipment has been transferred from a different resource.. The shipment is planned for a different resource. The driver can also see which resource the mission was planned on, see image below.


Change of status and change of resource occurs. The driver has thus taken over the task from the other resource. The driver can undo the scan.

Instructions for drivers can be found in Scan freight bills and package labels with Opter Driver for iOS.

To give the driver a warning about another resource when scanning, do the following:

  1. Click on SettingsOffices > and on the Scanning tab. In the Status box, set the status from which departure and pick-up scans are blocked. Use the drop-down lists Warn if other resource when departure scan from status (inclusive)and Warn if other resource when pickup scan from status (inclusive). More information is available in Office (window).

  2. If you want to make exceptions for certain drivers, you can set it up under Register > Employees on the tab Mobile/web. Use the drop-down lists Warn if other resource when departure scan from following status (inclusive) and Warn if other resource when pickup scan from following status (inclusive). More information is available in Employees (window).

  3. An exception for a specific vehicle can be set up at Register > Vehicles, on the Mobile/web tab. Use the drop-down lists Warn if other resource when departure scan from following status (inclusive) and Warn if other resource when pickup scan from following status (inclusive). More information is available in Vehicles (window).

  4. Save all changes.


For example, if you want to change the colour of the text displayed in the app and if you use the XML file App.OpterDriver.Design, search for OTHERRESOURCEWARNING and OTHERRESOURCERESOURCE, and change the colour of the two lines in the scanrows and/or scandetailrows sections. More information can be found at App.OpterDriver.Design.

See also

Scan freight bills and package labels with Opter Driver for iOS

Office (window)

Employees (window)

Vehicles (window)

Customise the scan list in Opter Driver for iOS