Last updated: 13.06.2024

Valid from: 2022.12.00 and later

Text tags in App.Design

When writing text to be displayed in the app, text can be retrieved using tags instead of “hard-coding” the text in App.Design. The advantage of this is that if there are drivers who have their phone or tablet set to a different language, the text will be displayed in that language. Opter Driver is available in Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Estonian and English. If the phone/tablet is set to a language other than one of them, the text is displayed in English.

In the example below, the text From is retrieved via the tag $from;.

        <item itemname="'$from;',': ',DELIVERYADDRESSFROM"/>

The following texts can be retrieved with tags. Please note that the text is retrieved exactly as it appears in the list below, with or without characters such as colons. In the example above, we have added a colon after the text From.

Tag Text that is displayed in Opter Driver
$add_comment_optionally; Add comment (optional)
$add_image; Add image
$add_new; Add new
$add_package_by_scanning; Add package by scanning
$add_picture_limit_reached; It is not possible to add more images.
$add_services; Extras
$adding_packages_to_shipment; Adding packages to the shipment
$additional_changes; Additional changes
$address_from; Sender street address
$address_from_zipcode; Sender postcode
$address_index; Dispatch
$address_to; Receiver street address
$address_to_zipcode; Receiver postcode
$addservice_prompt; Select extras type
$all; all
$all_capital; All
$app_name; Opter Driver
$app_version; Version
$area; Pallet space
$arrival; Arrived
$article; Price item
$articles; Price items
$assignment_failed; Give shipment away
$assignment_failed_message; Giving away of shipment failed.
$attachment; Attached files
$battery_threshold_summary; The battery level at which the GPS is switched off to save power
$battery_threshold_title; Battery threshold for GPS
$between_notifications; between notification reminders
$bluetooth_printer_summary; The printing device used for printouts
$bluetooth_printer_title; Bluetooth printer
$camera; Camera
$cancel; Cancel
$change_empty_text_hint; Enter a value
$change_filename; Change file name
$change_package_dimensions; Change package dimensions
$changes; Changes
$check_freightbillnumber; Check freight bill number
$choose; Select
$choose_delivery_hub; Select delivery terminal
$choose_driver; Select driver
$choose_name; Select name
$choose_terminal; Select terminal
$choose_vehicle; Select vehicle
$choosepackage; Select packages
$clear; Clear
$clear_text_name; Name in block capitals
$click; Click on
$comment; Comment
$complete; Complete
$confirm_revoke; Confirm revoked
$connecting_to_server; Connecting to server
$continue_scanning; Continue scanning
$continue_scanning_question; Do you want to continue scanning?
$continue_scanning_warning; Note: The proof of delivery will not be saved if you continue scanning.
$create_new_order; New order
$credited_to_other_resource; Shipment assigned to
$credited_to_other_resource_block; Stop! This shipment is assigned to another resource.
$credited_to_other_resource_warning; Note! This shipment has been transferred from another resource.
$customer; Customer
$customer_project; Customer project
$damage; Deviation
$damages; Deviations
$data; DATA
$data_consumption; Data usage
$delay; Delay
$delay_comment; Delay comment
$delay_reason; Delay reason
$delete_articel; Delete price item?
$delivered; Delivered
$delivery; Unloading
$delivery_failed; Delivery failed
$delivery_failed_message; It was not possible to state that the shipment has been left at the terminal.
$delivery_time; Delivery time
$departure; Departed
$depth; Length
$description; Description
$dialog_cancel; Cancel
$dialog_set; Set
$discard; Discard
$discard_data; Would you like to discard the data?
$distance; Distance
$do_not_ask_again; Do not ask again
$done; Done
$done_sorting; Sequencing completed
$download_failed; Download failed
$downloading; Downloading
$driver_message; Driver message
$duplicate; Already scanned
$earliest_delivery_time; Earliest delivery
$earliest_pickup_time; Earliest pickup
$early_warning_pickup; Pickup too early. Earliest pickup time is %1$s.
$emptylist; Empty
$enable_bluetootscanner_summary; Use a Bluetooth scanner instead of the built-in camera
$enable_bluetootscanner_title; Use Bluetooth scanner
$enable_gps_summary; Defines whether or not Opter Driver should send GPS positions
$enable_gps_title; Enable GPS
$enable_wakelock_summary; Defines whether or not Opter Driver should stop the phone from entering stand-by mode
$enable_wakelock_title; Enable stand-by mode
$end_break; End break
$end_lunch; End lunch
$end_scanning; End scanning
$end_scanning_from_menu; Press End scanning to finish scanning
$end_scanning_toast; Scanning session terminated
$end_work; End work
$endingquantity; Ending quantity
$enter_barcode_number; Enter barcode
$enter_number; Enter phone number
$enter_reason; Enter reason
$enter_your_credentials; Enter your login credentials
$error; Error
$error_connecting_socket_problem; Could not establish a connection. Please check the settings and internet connection.
$event; Event
$exit; End
$external_message; External message
$extra_dimension1; Extra dimension 1
$extra_dimension2; Extra dimension 2
$extra_dimension3; Extra dimension 3
$extra_dimension4; Extra dimension 4
$extra_dimension5; Extra dimension 5
$extra_id1; Extra ID 1
$extra_id2; Extra ID 2
$extra_id3; Extra ID 3
$extra_id4; Extra ID 4
$extra_id5; Extra ID 5
$extra_id6; Extra ID 6
$extra_id7; Extra ID 7
$extra_id8; Extra ID 8
$failed_to_connect; Connection to the server failed.
$failed_to_initiate_scanner; Failed to initialise the scanner. Please try again later.
$failed_to_print; It was not possible to print
$failed_to_save; Failed to save image
$filter; Filter
$found_misplaced; Found incorrectly placed
$found_multiple; Found several
$found_none; Unknown
$found_one; Found one
$freightbill; Freight bill
$freightbill_already_scanned; The freight bill %1$s has already been scanned.
$from; From
$gallery; Gallery
$general_channel_description; Shortcut to open Opter Driver
$general_channel_name; Opter Driver in the background
$get_server_settings; Get server settings
$give_away; Give away
$go_back; Back
$goods_type; Goods type
$gps; GPS
$gps_disabled_would_you_like_to_enable_it; The GPS seems to be disabled. Do you want to enable it?
$height; Height
$hide_future_shipments_summary; Defines whether or not future shipments are hidden
$hide_future_shipments_title; Hide future shipments
$hide_locked_shipments_summary; Defines whether or not locked shipments are hidden
$hide_locked_shipments_title; Hide locked shipments
$hours; Hours
$http; http
$https; https
$image; Image
$images; Images
$import_datawedge; Import DataWedge
$importDW; Import
$in; in
$incomplete; Incomplete
$incomplete_no_changes_will_be_saved; The changes are not yet complete. Would you like to discard or complete the changes?
$incomplete_no_pod_will_be_saved; The proof of delivery is not complete. Would you like to discard or complete it?
$install_lock_app; Would you like to install one?
$install_scanner_app; A scanning app is required to read the settings. Would you like to install one?
$install_scanner_app_information; A scanning app is required to read QR codes.
$install_scanner_app_scanning; A scanning app is required to read QR codes. Would you like to install one?
$install_scanner_app_title; Install scanning app
$internal_message; Internal message
$interrupt; Cancel
$later; Later
$latest; Latest
$latest_delivery_time; Latest delivery
$latest_pickup_time; Latest pickup
$latest_scan_time; Latest scan time
$leave_at_terminal; Leave at terminal
$lengt_greater_than_zero; The length must be greater than zero
$lineHaul; Line haul
$loaded; Picked up
$loading; Starting Opter Driver
$loadmeter; Load metre
$local_service_notification; local service notification
$lock_app_missing; No lock app installed
$login; Log in
$logout; Log out
$logout_q; Do you want to log out?
$logout_question; Are you sure you want to log out from Opter Driver? This means you will not receive any information about new orders.
$logout_unsent_changes; There are changes that have not yet been sent to dispatch. If you log out the changes will be discarded. Are you sure you want to log out?
$loose_items; Loose items
$manual; Manual
$mark_as_read; Mark as read
$markAsRead; Mark as read
$materialSite; Material site
$message; Message
$messages; Messages
$meter_short; m
$minutes; Minutes
$more_information; More information
$most_used; Most used
$multiple_freightbills; Freight bills
$multiple_packages; Package labels
$nearest; Nearest
$new_addservice; New extra
$new_damage; New deviation
$new_looseitem; New loose item
$new_message_channel_name; New message
$new_order_channel_name; New shipment
$new_package; New package
$new_plural; new
$new_priceitem; New price item
$new_settings_message; The Opter Driver settings were successfully scanned. Please press the Opter icon to start the app.
$new_settings_title; New settings
$new_singular; new
$nextorder; Next order
$no; No
$no_server_or_port_specified; There are no connection settings.
$no_server_or_port_specified_title; No settings
$nomessages; No messages
$none; None
$notice; Note!
$notification_interval_summary; The time interval between notifications
$notification_interval_title; Notifications
$notifications; Notifications
$ok; OK
$open_file; Open file
$open_market_and_update; There is a newer version available. Would you like to open the Play Store and update?
$opter_is_running_in_background_desc; Press to open it.
$opter_is_running_in_background_title; Opter Driver is running in the background.
$opter_is_running_in_the_background_press_to_open; Opter Driver is running in the background. Press to open it.
$order_date; Order date
$ordernumber; Order number
$package_already_scanned; Package %1$s has already been scanned.
$package_id; Package ID
$package_labels; Package labels
$package_quantity; Package qty.
$package_scanlist; package
$package_singular; Package
$package_type; Package type
$packages; Packages
$packages_lc; package(s)
$password; Password
$path; Path
$pending; Pending
$permission_bluetooth_text; Change the permission settings so that Opter Driver has access to the device’s Bluetooth in order to be able to connect to printers.
$permission_bluetooth_title; We require access to Bluetooth on the device
$permission_camera_text; Change the permission settings so that Opter Driver has access to the device’s camera in order to be able to attach photos to shipments.
$permission_camera_title; We require access to the camera
$permission_position_text; Please change the permission settings in order to send your position to dispatch for calculating routes and pickup/delivery times.
$permission_position_title; We need to access your location
$permission_storage_text; Change the permission settings so that Opter Driver has access to the device’s file storage in order to be able to save and read files on the device.
$permission_storage_title; We require access to the file storage
$permissions; Permissions
$pickup; Loading
$pickup_time; Pickup time
$please_enter_your_credentials; Enter your login credentials
$please_wait; Please wait
$pointToPoint; Point to point
$port; Port
$position; Position
$preferences; Settings
$print; Print
$print_assignment_list; Do you want to print the shipment list?
$products; Products
$project; Project
$proof_of_delivery; Proof of delivery
$quantity; Quantity
$query; Checklist
$reason; Reason
$received; Received
$receiver; Receiver
$receiver_name; Receiver name
$receiver_reference; Receiver reference
$reference; Reference
$reject; Reject
$reject_all; (all)
$remark; Remark
$remove_image; Discard image
$remove_image_dialog; Are you sure you want to remove the image?
$revoked; Revoked
$revoked_plural; revoked
$revoked_singular; revoked
$save; Save
$save_image; Save image
$scan; Scan
$scan_barcode; Scan barcode
$scan_configuration_header; Scan settings QR code tag
$scan_configuration_invalid_header; Invalid information
$scan_configuration_invalid_please_try_again; The information contained in the scanned QR code tag was invalid. Please try again or contact your administrator.
$scan_connection_information_tag; Please scan the connection settings QR code tag provided by your technical administrator.
$scan_mandatory; (Scanned)
$scan_not_complete; Some of the freight bills/packages have not been scanned. Do you want to stop scanning anyway?
$scan_qr; Scan QR
$scanscancomment; Scan scanning comment
$search_settingsfile; Search for settings
$seconds; Seconds
$select_a_printer; Select a printer in the settings
$send; Send
$sender; Sender
$sender_instruction; Sender instructions
$sender_name; Sender name
$sender_reference; Sender reference
$sent; Sent
$server; Server
$server_settings; Server settings
$service; Service
$set_next_status; Set next status
$set_next_status_all; (all)
$set_status_on_checked_shipments; Set status for chosen shipments
$set_status_to; Select status
$settings_missing; The settings required to complete the action are not defined or are incorrect.
$shipment; Shipment
$shipment_date; Shipment date
$shipmentlistview_item_contextmenu_header; Set status
$shipments; shipment(s)
$shipmenttype_delivery; Delivery
$shipmenttype_pickup; Collection
$sign_here; Sign here
$signature; Signature
$skip; Skip
$sms_signature; Send SMS for signature
$sort; Sort
$start_break; Start break
$start_lunch; Start lunch
$start_work; Start work
$startcamerascanner; to start scanner.
$startingquantity; Starting quantity
$startscanner; Start scanning app
$startup_connection_problem; Cannot connect to the server.
$status; Status
$storage; Storage
$subtype; Sub-type
$synchronize; Synchronise
$synchronizing; Synchronising data
$terminal_arrival; Terminal arrival
$terminal_departure; Terminal departure
$text; Goods text
$time; Time
$timed_out; Timed out
$to; To
$todo; Todo
$type; Type
$unconfirmed; New
$undo_scanning; Undo
$unit1_quantity; Unit 1
$unit2_quantity; Unit 2
$unlock; Unlock
$update_optional; Optional update
$update_required; Update required
$use_builtin_scanner; Note: Use the built-in scanner.
$username; Username
$value_not_numeric; The value is not numeric
$value_not_valid; Incorrect value
$value_to_long; The value is too long
$value_to_short; The value is too short
$volume; Volume
$wait; Wait
$warning; Warning!
$weight; Weight
$width; Width
$working_times; Working hours
$would_you_like_to_save_add_service; Do you want to save the extra?
$would_you_like_to_save_changes; Do you want to save the changes?
$would_you_like_to_save_pod; Do you want to save the proof of delivery?
$yes; Yes
$you_need_to_enter; You need to enter