Last updated: 16.08.2023

Applies from: 2023.04.00 and later

System Settings (window)

Settings > System settings

Basic settings for Opter are specified in this window.


License key

The Opter licence key.

Standard terminologyThe language specified as the default language when the database was installed. It does not matter if this setting is changed.
Database backup path

Folder in which the Opter database is backed up. Usually located on the database server.

Specified during installation.

No nightly backup

: The database is not automatically backed up. Make sure you have other procedures for backing up data.

(default): The database is backed up once a day, at the time specified in Time for daily tasks.

Time for daily tasks

The timing of all regular tasks in Opter, such as the daily backup.

If the field is empty, no regular tasks are run.

Default: 00.05.

Number of days to save EDI messages

The number of days for which EDI log files are kept.

Default: 90 days.

Update folder

The folder to which Opter updates are downloaded. Located on the Opter main server.

Specified during installation.


Governs the date and number formats on the webs.

Specified during installation.

Time zone

The field shows the time zone in which the Opter client is being used, if the client is in a different time zone to the database server. Intended for those who have the database in Microsoft Azure (which has the UTC time zone).

Specified at installation and cannot be changed.

Automatic generation of scheduled orders

Activate automatic generation

Enables/disables automatic generation of scheduled copies.


Autogenerate at the following timeThe time of day at which scheduled copies are generated.
Number of days before the order date that the scheduled copies shall be generated

The number of days before the order date that the scheduled copies should be created.

  • 0 = orders are generated on the same day as the order date

  • 1 = orders are generated one day before the order date

  • and so on.

This figure is a measure of how long a lead time is required, i.e. how many days the orders must be in dispatch before they are carried out.

Latest generation of scheduled ordersThe date on which the scheduled copies were last generated.


File retriever server

The name of the server on which the service for importing and exporting files is running.

Specified during installation.

File retriever port

Port for the import/export service.

Default: ”8000”

Message server

The name of the server that handles communication between different clients in the Opter system. For example, for the chat function and to keep orders updated.

Specified during installation.


Port on the message server.

Default: ”5001”

Message proxy

The name of the server on which the communication service is installed.

Specified during installation.

Update server

Opter’s client update server.

Default: “”

Storage of attachments

For more information on defining how files are stored, see Setting the way attachments are stored and Importing files from a folder automatically.

Manually attached files

How files added in the client, from the mobile apps and on the webs, are saved in Opter.

  • File: The files are saved in a folder on the Opter server or a file server.
  • Database: The files are saved in the database (SQL Server).
  • Cloud (blob storage): The files are stored in the Microsoft Azure Blob Storage cloud service.

Default setting: Database

EDI logs

How EDI log files are saved in Opter.

  • File: The files are saved in a folder on the Opter server or a file server.
  • Database: The files are saved in the database (SQL Server).
  • Cloud (blob storage): The files are stored in the Microsoft Azure Blob Storage cloud service.

Default setting: File

Imported attachments

How files imported with the import service are saved in Opter.

  • File: The files are saved in a folder on the Opter server or a file server.
  • Database: The files are saved in the database (SQL Server).
  • Cloud (blob storage): The files are stored in the Microsoft Azure Blob Storage cloud service.

Default setting: File

File storage pathThe location where external files are stored if File is selected for any of Manually attached files, EDI logs or Imported attachments. The files are saved in subfolders named after the date (\YYYY-MM-DD). EDI log files are stored in \EDI\YYYY-MM-DD.
Cload storage (blob storage connection string)

Connection string to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage. Mainly used if Opter is running in the cloud. The connection string is on the blob storage account.


If the files cannot be uploaded to the cloud, for example if the connection string specified here is incorrect, the files are saved in the database instead.

Access key for attachment import

The access key for Opter, so that the import service can write files to the computer. Used if you are running Opter Cloud.

Move attachments

Opens a window in which you can move existing attachments to a new storage location.


This is where to set up whether it should be possible to log in with an Azure AD account, a normal Opter account or both. For more information, see Creating user accounts with login credentials and Logging in with Azure Active Directory.


Opter (username, password)

Users can log in with the username and password defined in Settings > Access rights. For more information, see Creating user accounts with login credentials.

Microsoft Azure AD

Users can log in with their Azure AD accounts. For more information, see Logging in with Azure Active Directory.

Application (client) ID

If Microsoft Azure AD has been selected above, enter the application ID that was created when registering Opter in Azure. For more information, see Logging in with Azure Active Directory.

Directory (tenant) ID

If Microsoft Azure AD has been selected above, enter the catalogue ID that was created when registering Opter in Azure. For more information, see Logging in with Azure Active Directory.

See also

Scheduled orders

Attachments in orders

User accounts