Last updated: 05.10.2020

Valid from: 2020.08.00 and later

Linking imported files to orders automatically

Files imported into Opter using the file import service can be linked to orders automatically. This is done by matching the file name to an order via the freight bill number or order number. For it to work optimally, note the following:

  • The names of the files added to the folder being monitored should consist of just one (1) number and the file extension, for example 123456.pdf.
  • The file name must match the order number or the freight bill number exactly in order to be linked with the order (except for spaces and underscores, see below).
  • Spaces in the filename are interpreted as no character at all. 12 34 56.pdf matches the order or freight bill number 123456.
  • Avoid underscores in file names. If the file names contain underscores, for example 1234_5678.pdf, ordernr_1234.html or 1234_ordernr.jpg, the file can be linked to an order, even though the file name does not match the order or freight bill number exactly. However, it is not certain that the file will be linked to the correct order according to the setting used in the Freight bill number first in file name checkbox.
  • If the link to orders is made via the order number, the file name must consist only of numbers, as the order number cannot contain characters other than numbers.
  • If the link to orders is made via the freight bill number, the file names can also contain letters and hyphens, but the file name must match the freight bill number exactly for the file to be linked to the order. If the freight bill number is F-123456, a file named F-123456.pdf can be linked to that order, but not a file named -F-123456-.pdf.
  • Do not use the same path for several different monitoring definitions in the Import of attachments window. Instead, use different folders to import files in different ways.

Files that are not automatically linked to orders are listed in the Unknown attachments window, where they can be linked manually. For more information, see Linking imported files to orders manually.