Last updated: 19.10.2020

Valid from: 2020.10.00 and later

Moving existing attachments to a new storage location

If you have changed the way attachments are saved in Opter, for example from File to Cloud (blob storage), existing attachments that are already in the system can be moved to the new location. The files retain their links to the orders.

This can be done as follows:

  1. Click on Settings > System settings.

    If you have changed the storage method to File, enter the path to the new storage location in the File storage path field.

  2. Click on Move attachments.

  3. Under Current storage location, select the storage location to which the files are to be moved.

    Multiple storage locations can be selected, thus allowing you to merge files from multiple locations into a single storage location.

  4. Select the new storage location in the New storage location drop-down list and click on Move.

The files are moved to the new storage location.

  • If you use the File method and have saved files in several different folders, this function can be used to collect the files in one single folder. Enter the new folder in the File storage path field in the system settings and choose to move from all File locations to File in the Move attachments window.
  • If you use the File method and want to move the files to another folder, you do not need to use this function. Just move the files to the new folder in Windows Explorer and specify the new folder in the File storage path field in the system settings so that new files that are added end up in the correct folder. The files retain their links to the orders.