Last updated: 27.07.2022

Applies from: 2021.06.00 and later

Creating user accounts with login credentials

System administrators, dispatchers and other prospective Opter users must be listed as employees and have a user account. If there is a new person, start by adding them as an employee. If the person is already listed as an employee, go directly to step 2.

Step 1: Adding the person as an employee

  1. Click on RegisterEmployees.
  2. Click on and enter the first name and last name. These are the only fields that have to be filled in to create an employee, but additional information may need to be provided at a later stage depending on how the employee will use the system.
  3. If the employee that is created is not a driver, deselect the Driver checkbox. Otherwise leave it selected.
  4. Click on to save all changes.

Step 2: Create a user account for the employee

Login credentials can either be created in Opter, or users can be allowed to log in with an Azure AD account (see Logging in with Azure Active Directory). How to create a user account with login credentials in Opter:

  1. Click on Settings > Access rights.
  2. Click on in the toolbar to create a new user account.
  3. Enter a user name.

    The username can contain the characters 0-9, a-z and A-Z. So not Å, Ä and Ö, spaces, colons or quotation marks.

  4. Enter the user’s login password in the Password and Re-type Password fields. We recommend the use of “strong” passwords.

    When using Opter Cloud, the password must consist of at least 8 characters and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character (!@#$%^&*?_~-().,).

  5. Select which employee is to be connected to the user account in the Employee drop-down list. If the desired person is not listed as an employee, they can be added by clicking on next to the drop-down list.
  6. If you use Opter Cloud, select the Remote access checkbox. If it is not selected, the user cannot log into Opter.

  7. Assign the relevant access rights to the user either by dragging one of the groups under Available groups to Selected groups or by right-clicking on individual functions in the tree structure on the right and selecting an access right. For more information about access rights, see Setting access rights for users.
  8. Click on to save all changes.

The user can now log in using the credentials defined by you.


It is possible to save the user account without specifying any access rights, but the user cannot then log in to Opter.

See also