Last updated: 18.12.2023
Valid from: 2023.06.114 and later
Conditions for integrations with
Opter is responsible for ensuring that the service complies in all essential ways with the available documentation. However, Opter does not guarantee that the service will operate without error or disruption. In the event of a fault in the service that significantly affects the use of the service, Opter undertakes to use its best endeavours to rectify the fault in accordance with the existing support commitment pursuant to a separate agreement. Opter is entitled, at its discretion, to remedy the fault by correcting the fault or providing a work-around. Beyond that, Opter has no responsibility regarding the functioning or quality of the service. Accordingly, Opter shall not be obliged to pay any compensation to the user or any other person for any error or fault in the service.
The user may not copy or otherwise reproduce, modify, decompile, reverse engineer, translate, lend or rent, sub-contract, transfer or otherwise dispose of the source code, object code or any other part of the service.
Opter is not responsible for any data breach that may be attributed to the service. Opter shall not be liable for errors or faults caused by software or equipment provided by third parties. Opter is not liable for loss of production, loss of profit (or other indirect loss), loss of data or damage to or loss of hardware or software used in conjunction with the service.