Last updated: 11.08.2023

Valid from: 2023.05.00 (and 2022.12.131) and later

Invoice export to Fennoa

Opter can be integrated with the accounting system Fennoa. The integration creates and updates customers in Fennoa. Depending on the settings, the integration also creates invoices or invoice account coding.


User account with Fennoa

In order to export invoices, you must have an API user account with Fennoa, as well as a client user ID and a client key. Please contact Fennoa or your Fennoa supplier if you need help obtaining this information.

Mandatory information in OPTER

To be able to export from Opter to Fennoa, the following information must be available in Opter for all customers whose invoices are exported to Fennoa:

  • The customer's Corporate ID number in the General tab of the customer registry.

  • The customer's invoice address on the Invoice information tab in the Information box in the customer registry.

  • If the invoices are to be sent as e-invoices in Finvoice format (with "DeliveryMethod=finvoice"): The customer's OVT number and EDI code must be in the Details tab of the customer registry.

  • If the invoices are to be sent as PDF attachments by email (with "DeliveryMethod=email"): The customer's email address (to which invoices are to be sent) must be entered in the Email invoice export field on the Invoice information tab in the Invoice information box in the customer registry.

Invoice number series

To use the export, an invoice number series in Fennoa that matches the series in Opter has to be created. (If this is not done, Fennoa will assign exported invoices the first available number from the first available invoice number series).

Step 1: Create an invoice export in Opter

Click on Economy > Invoices > Invoice export and create a new invoice export by clicking on .

The following fields must be filled in on the General tab:

  • Name: For example “Fennoa API”.
  • Type: Fennoa API.
  • Encoding: UTF-8.
  • User id: Enter the client user ID provided by Fennoa.
  • Password: Enter the client key provided by Fennoa.
  • Start text: See Optional settings in the Start text field below.


The File transfer and Codes tabs are not relevant for this export, so do not change anything on these tabs.

Click on to save all changes.

Free choice of settings in the Start text field

In the Start text field on the General tab, settings that affect the information exported to Fennoa can be set. The economic units in Fennoa are also mapped to economic units in Opter here.

Enter each setting on a separate line, as shown in the example below.

Example: Start text field

The default value entered is the one that applies if no value at all is entered for the setting.


Set ApproveInvoice to "false" initially, to transfer the invoices to Fennoa as drafts. They can then be reviewed and edited and, if necessary, even removed from Fennoa (or approved manually).

This is useful to ensure that the set-up of e.g. the customer registry is correct and that the invoice has the same invoice number as in Opter before the invoice is made permanent in Fennoa.


If ApproveInvoice is set to "true", the invoice will be approved in Fennoa in connection with the export and cannot then be deleted from Fennoa.

ApproveInvoice can be set to "true" or "false" as follows:

  • true: the invoice created in Fennoa is automatically approved immediately upon export.

  • false (default): the invoice must be manually approved in Fennoa.




DeliveryMethod is used to explicitly set the distribution method for the invoices if they are sent from Fennoa. This setting overrides all controls that automatically set the distribution mode based on the settings and data available in Fennoa.

Set DeliveryMethod to one of the following:

  • postal: The invoice is printed and can be sent by post.

  • manual (standard): There is no automatic distribution of the invoice.

  • email: The invoice is sent in a PDF file attached to an email.


    All Opter customers invoiced with this integration must have a valid email address in the Email invoice export field of the customer registry. (If this criterion is not met, the mode of distribution is "postal" (see above)).

  • finvoice: The invoice is sent as an e-invoice in Finvoice format.


    All Opter customers invoiced with this integration must have OVT number and EDI code in the customer registry. (If this criterion is not met, the mode of distribution is "postal" (see above)).

  • consumerfinvoice: The invoice is sent as an e-invoice in Finvoice format directly to the recipient's bank or payment service.

  • consumerdirect: The invoice is sent as an e-invoice in Finvoice format to the supplier, and at the same time an invoice in another format is sent to the payer. This method is used if the payer cannot receive e-invoices in their bank or payment service.

Eu1-DimensionTypeId=<economic unit’s ID in Fennoa>

If cost centres are used:

Map economic unit 1 in Opter to an economic unit in Fennoa.

In Opter, you can see the economic units and their numbers in the office settings on the Economy tab.


If cost centres are not used, this setting should be omitted.

Eu2-DimensionTypeId=<economic unit’s ID in Fennoa>

If cost centres are used:

Map economic unit 2 in Opter to an economic unit in Fennoa.


If cost centres are not used, this setting should be omitted.

Eu3-DimensionTypeId=<economic unit’s ID in Fennoa>

If cost centres are used:

Map economic unit 3 in Opter to an economic unit in Fennoa.


If cost centres are not used, this setting should be omitted.

Eu4-DimensionTypeId=<economic unit’s ID in Fennoa>

If cost centres are used:

Map economic unit 4 in Opter to an economic unit in Fennoa.


If cost centres are not used, this setting should be omitted.

Eu5-DimensionTypeId=<economic unit’s ID in Fennoa>

If cost centres are used:

Map economic unit 5 in Opter to an economic unit in Fennoa.


If cost centres are not used, this setting should be omitted.



Set ExportInvoice to "true" to make the export work.

  • true: customer information is transferred and the invoice is created in Fennoa.

  • false (default): The invoice is not created in Fennoa.


You can choose which field in the customer registry in Opter (on the tab General) will be used as the customer number in Fennoa.

  • cusNo (default, recommended): Sales ledger number

  • cusCode: Customer code

  • orgNo: Corporate ID number

Example: ”FennoaCustomerNo=cusNo”



Set SendInvoice to "false" initially if you first want to check that the invoice export set-up works properly. Next, set SendInvoice to "true" if invoices are to be sent out automatically.

Specify whether invoices should be sent automatically from Fennoa after they have been exported from Opter.

  • true: The invoice is sent out automatically by Fennoa.

    "ApproveInvoice=true" must have been entered for the invoice to be sent automatically.

    With the "SendInvoice=true" setting, invoices will be distributed according to the settings in Fennoa, if no distribution method has been specified using the DeliveryMethod setting (see above).

  • false (default): The invoice is not sent out.

Step 2: Add the invoice export in the invoice export settings

Click on Economy > Invoices > Invoice export settings and select “Fennoa” (or the name you gave the invoice export) for the groups that should be able to generate an export to Fennoa.

Click on to save all changes.

Step 3: Export to Fennoa

The invoice information can be exported from Opter when closing an invoice period, or subsequently when choosing whether to export entire invoice periods or individual invoices. Customer information and account coding are exported to Fennoa as specified in the transform.

How to export invoices retrospectively:

  1. Click on Economy > Invoices > Invoices.

  2. Right-click on an invoice period or individual invoice and select Export.

  3. Click on Export and send.

The number of invoices to be exported and the number of invoices exported are displayed, as well as a progress bar.


If the transfer to Fennoa does not work, a message is displayed (in English) in the invoice export log. The message is generated by Fennoa, not Opter. Any errors are usually due to one of the following:

  • The customer’s Corporate ID number is incorrect or missing in Opter, on the General tab in the customer registry.

  • The customer’s invoice address is incorrect or missing in Opter, on the Invoice information tab in the Information box in the customer registry.

  • The customer’s OVT number or EDI code are incorrect or missing in Opter, on the Details tab in the customer registry. If "DeliveryMethod=finvoice" has been selected, OVT number and EDI code are mandatory fields in Opter for all customers invoiced with this integration.

  • The customer's email address (to which invoices are to be sent) is incorrect or missing in Opter, in the Email invoice export field on the Invoice information tab in the customer registry. If "DeliveryMethod=email" has been selected, Email invoice export is a mandatory field in Opter for all customers invoiced with this integration.

  • The Fennoa web service is currently down.