Last updated: 21.09.2023
Valid from: 2018.06.00 and later
Deleting personal information and position history
In order to comply with both GDPR and the follow-up requirements, personal information can be anonymised in orders and records, instead of being completely deleted. The idea of the feature is to delete old information from certain fields on a regular basis, but it is also possible to run one-off clean-ups.
Active clean-ups run in conjunction with the daily clean-up, which is set in the system settings (a time in the Time for daily tasks field).
The fields that are cleared apply to all orders and entries in the registries (e.g.the Phone 1 field for all employees). It is not possible to delete specific information, such as “phone numbers starting with 123”, or the phone numbers of specific employees. In this case, use the relevant registry or order check.
Step 1: Define the information to be cleared
Click on Settings > Clear (mask) information. The Registry/orders and Field columns show the fields in Opter that can be cleared.
Select the checkbox in the Active column of the fields to be cleared.
Then indicate how old the data should be for it to be cleared from the Clean information that is older than (days) column. The fields that have not been edited for the number of days specified will be replaced by the replacement word.
Most registries can be exported to Excel where it is possible to search for information to be masked.
To mask information in orders, searches can be carried out in order check.
Step 2: Specify what to replace the information with
Enter what the information is to be replaced with in the Replacement word column. Only fields that already contain information are changed to whatever is specified as a replacement word. Empty fields in registries and orders remain empty even after the clean-up.
The Replacement word column can be left empty, in which case the information in the field is deleted without being replaced by any other text. If something is then entered in the column and the clean-up is run again, the empty fields that were just cleared are not replaced with the new replacement word, as empty fields are not affected by this function.
Step 3: Clear the information regularly or just once
Clear information regularly
Click on Save and close. The clean-up takes place in conjunction with the other regular tasks performed once a day. However, only those entries in the registries/orders that are older than the number of days specified in step 1 are cleared.
The time of day at which daily tasks are run can be seen in the Settings > System settings > Time for daily tasks field.
Clear information just once
To only clear the information once, and not regularly, click on Save and run cleanup. Check that the information has been cleared. Then deselect the Active checkboxes for all fields and click on Save and close. Otherwise, the fields are cleared again the next time the daily tasks are run.
Check in the registries, or order check, that the information has been replaced.