Last updated: 09.03.2023

Valid from: 2021.10.00 and later

Handling GDPR enquiries

To meet the requirements of the GDPR, it is possible to obtain the personal information that is stored in the system.


If one of your customers who is a non-business customer asks what data is held about them, or wants to have data changed, you can use the records relating to customer information.

Managing data in the customer registry

Click on Register > Customers and search for the relevant customer.

  • To retrieve customer data, click on File > Export to Excel. Find the customer in the Excel file and extract the customer information from there.
  • If you want to disable the customer, click on Item > Inactive.
  • You cannot delete a customer, but you can mask them by replacing the customer's name with the word “De-identified”, for example.

Managing customer reference details for a specific customer

Click on Register > Customers and search for the relevant customer.Then click on Customer > Reference.

  • Click on the relevant customer reference and change the details. If you want to retrieve the information, take a screenshot of the window.
  • If you want to disable the customer reference, click on Item > Inactive.
  • You cannot delete a customer reference, but you can mask it by replacing the name of the customer reference with the word “De-identified”, for example.

Searching for and deleting addresses in the quick lookup

See Deleting address suggestions in order reception.

Drivers and employees

If a driver or other employee wants to know what data is held about them, or wants to have their information changed, use the employee registries and the history of working sessions and positions.

Managing data in the employee registries

Click on Register > Employees and search for the relevant person.

  • To retrieve personal data, click on File > Export to Excel. Find the employee in the Excel file and extract the personal information from there.
  • If you want to deactivate the employee, click on Item > Inactive.
  • You cannot delete an employee, but you can mask them by replacing the employee's name with the word “De-identified”, for example.

Managing the working session history

See Exporting working sessions to Excel.

Managing the position history

This applies to organisations that are responsible for the dispatching of drivers, not vehicles. It is possible to view historical data for drivers, including information about their position at a given time, and see the history on the map in dispatch. How to extract the map history from Opter:

  1. Click on Order > Order dispatching.
  2. Go to the Drivers tab and right-click on a driver.
  3. Select Show history on map from the context menu and take a screenshot to send to the person who requested the information.

To delete the position history, see Deleting personal information and position history.

According to the GDPR, those who search the history must also be logged, which is done in the Opter database. Contact support if you want to view the log showing who has used the position history.

Suppliers and subcontractors

Opter assumes that suppliers and subcontractors are businesses rather than individuals. If you still save personal data in these registries (or elsewhere in the system), you must also search through the data if you receive a request from an individual to disclose or change personal data.

EDI and exports

If you send data to a country where the GDPR does not apply (outside the EU and EEA), the GDPR requires you to have agreements in place that give individuals the same rights as in countries covered by the GDPR. If you receive a request to correct inaccurate personal data, you must forward that request to everyone to whom you have provided the personal data.

You can see which EDI messages have been sent in connection with orders in the EDI log (Settings > EDI > EDI log).

You can see where invoice exports have been sent by right-clicking on an invoice period in the Invoices window (Economy > Invoices > Invoices) and selecting Invoice list.

If you share data in another way (for example, by exporting the customer registry), this can be documented outside Opter.

See also