Last updated: 02.09.2022

Valid from: 2021.12.00 and later

Invoice exports

Financial data can be exported from Opter to a wide range of other systems, via file or API. Invoices can be exported when an invoice period is closed, or retrospectively at your convenience.

Via file

The invoice export function in Opter can create almost any kind of file, sometimes using XSLT and sometimes with built-in hard-coded support. Opter can then do one of the following with the file that is created:

  • Put it in a folder for further processing (e.g. for uploading in a web interface).

  • Send it by email. For more information, see Sending PDF invoices by email.

  • Put it on an FTP/SFTP server where another system can retrieve it.

There is usually no need for development work (changes in Opter) to obtain an invoice export via file.


Ready-to-use support is available for API-based invoice exports to several accounting systems, such as Fortnox, Tripletex, Maventa, Netvisor, Visma e-conomic and

Customisation work is always required for integration with a new API. How long it takes depends on many things (including how the API’s accounting system works) and this cannot be specified in advance.

There is no certainty that everything can be done even if there is a ready-made solution in Opter. On the one hand, only some parts may have been built in Opter, on the other hand, the receiving system may not be able to import everything.

See also