Last updated: 15.12.2023

Applies from: Opter 2023.12.00

Supplier bill export to Talenom

Supplier information and account coding can be exported to the Talenom accounting system. Supplier bill and account coding amounts are sent including VAT.

The following information is sent to Talenom in the supplier bill export:

Step 1: Create a supplier bill export in Opter

Click on EconomySupplier bills > Supplier bill export to create a new supplier bill export.

The following fields must be filled in on the General tab:

The following fields must be filled in on the File transfer tab:

Click on to save all changes.

Step 2: Settings for authentication and the supplier invoice in Talenom

Go back to the General tab. In the Extra settings field, settings can be configured that affect the supplier invoice created in Talenom. The economic units in Talenom are also mapped to economic units in Opter here. Enter each setting on a separate line.

The settings configured here override any settings defined in Talenom.


RedirectUri=local callback address for authentication


This setting is configured in cooperation with Talenom’s support. Contact for more information.

Example: “https://localhost:44302/courierservices”

CirculationListName=the name of the authorisation list used for the supplier invoice


“Circulation list” is also called “approval list” in Talenom and the lists can be found under Maintenance > Approval Lists in Talenom.

The authorisation list is a list of people who can approve supplier bills and incoming invoices.

Example: “Supplier managers”.


  • true: the supplier invoice created in Talenom is automatically approved immediately upon export.

  • false (default): the supplier invoice must be manually approved in Talenom.

If this setting is not entered in Extra settings, it will be treated as “false”.

  • true: the supplier invoice created in Talenom is approved and flagged automatically for payment immediately upon export.


    ApprovePurchaseInvoice=true must also be set for it to work.

  • false (default): the supplier invoice must be approved and paid manually in Talenom.

If this setting is not entered in Extra settings, it will be treated as “false”.

EuX-cost_centers=1/2/3/4/5Mandatory if the economic unit is mandatory in Talenom.

Map the “cost_centers” economic unit in Talenom to one of the five economic units in Opter. Example: “EuX-cost_centers=1”

EuX-cost_types=1/2/3/4/5Mandatory if the economic unit is mandatory in Talenom.Map the “cost_types” economic unit in Talenom to one of the five economic units in Opter. Example: “EuX-cost_types=2”
EuX-projects=1/2/3/4/5Mandatory if the economic unit is mandatory in Talenom.Map the “projects” economic unit in Talenom to one of the five economic units in Opter. Example: “EuX-projects=3”
EuX-project_types=1/2/3/4/5Mandatory if the economic unit is mandatory in Talenom.Map the “”project_types” economic unit in Talenom to one of the five economic units in Opter. Example: “EuX-project_types=4”

Step 3: Add the supplier bill export to a supplier bill export group

Click on Economy > Supplier bills > Supplier bill export settings and select “Talenom” (or the name you gave the supplier bill export) for the groups that should be able to generate an export to Talenom. A new export group can also be created.

Step 4: Export to Talenom

Supplier bill information can be exported from Opter when closing a supplier bill period, or subsequently when it is possible to export entire supplier bill periods but not individual supplier bills. Supplier bill information and account coding are exported to Talenom as specified in the settings.


If the transfer to Talenom does not work, a message is displayed in the supplier bill export log. If a supplier bill cannot be exported in full, any remaining parts of the supplier bill are automatically deleted from Talenom. The errors are usually due to one of the following:

See also