Last updated: 26.01.2024

Applies from: 2021.09.03 and later

Exporting accounting information to Visma eEkonomi


Opter has integrations with three different Visma systems, which have different functions. Check which system you are using:

You can transfer invoice account coding in Opter to the Visma eEkonomi accounting system and create accounting entries there. The import is done via Visma’s API and the accounting entries are created automatically in Visma.

The transfer takes place via an invoice export, but the PDF invoice that is transferred is only a placeholder for the actual account coding. No invoice records are created in Visma eEkonomi. The reason why no invoice records are created is that it is not possible to control invoice numbers when invoices are imported via API calls. The invoice numbers would therefore not match between Opter and Visma. As a result, it is not possible to register payments for the imported invoices in Visma eEkonomi.

When the account coding is exported from Opter, a web page opens where you log into Visma eEkonomi. The user account used to log in must have the following rights (scopes) in Visma eEkonomi:

Contact Visma if help with user rights is required.


Only invoice account coding can be transferred in this way, not, for example, account coding for credits or other account coding.

Step 1: Create an invoice export

Click on Economy > Invoices > Invoice export and create a new invoice export by clicking on . The following fields must be filled in on the General tab:

No settings in the invoice export other than the above are used in the API call, and these therefore have no meaning.

Step 2: Match the economic units

Three economic units are supported by Visma eEkonomi. If you use economic units in Opter, economic units 1-3 can be transferred by giving them the same name as they have in Visma eEkonomi. However, they do not have to be in the same order in both systems. If the names do not match, an error message with information on what does not match will be displayed when the invoices are exported.

The names of the economic units are defined in Opter on the Economy tab in the office settings. The following three fields must therefore match the names of the economic units in Visma eEkonomi:


To use economic units in Opter, but not in Visma eEkonomi, economic units 4–5 must be used and 1–3 must be left empty in the office settings. Otherwise, an error message stating that the economic units do not match will be displayed every time you invoices are exported.

Step 3: Add the invoice export in the invoice export settings

Click on EconomyInvoicesInvoice export settings and select “Visma eEkonomi” (or the name you gave the invoice export) for the settings that will generate an export to Visma eEkonomi.

Step 4: Create a self-signed certificate

All computers exporting invoices to Visma eEkonomi must have a self-signed certificate to be authenticated.

  1. Open Windows PowerShell with administrator rights and run the following command.

    Copy code


    New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName localhost44301 -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My
  2. Copy Thumbprint from the result of the above command and use as certhash in the following command.

    Copy code


    netsh http add sslcert ipport= appid='{ae7f1bed-891a-45a3-b0ac-37fe01e6b6cd}' certhash=Paste in Thumbprint from the above command
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 on each computer that will export invoices to Visma eEkonomi.

Step 5: Export the account coding

The invoice information can be exported from Opter when closing an invoice period, or subsequently when choosing whether to export entire invoice periods or individual invoices. When the invoices are exported, a login page opens in a web browser. Enter the login credentials and the accounting entries are transferred. Once login has been completed, the web page can be closed.


The invoice that is imported into Visma eEkonomi cannot be deleted, but the accounting entries it generates can be edited.

See also
