Last updated: 30.06.2020

Applies from: 2018.12.00 and later

Creating reports for notifications

A new report for notifications is created as follows.


Start from an existing report by copying its contents and pasting them into the new report.

  1. Click on SettingsReports.
  2. Click on and enter a descriptive name in the Name field.

  3. In the Type field, select Text or HTML.
  4. Click on to save all changes.

  5. Click on Display Editor. The report editor opens where the message is written. An SMS with the Text type might look like this, for example:

    Copy code

    Example of SMS notification

    A package from <item name="StartAddress.ADR_AddrLine1"/> is on its way to you!
    <item shortlink=",showSearch:'false',keyword:DEL_Guid"/>
    • <item name="StartAddress.ADR_AddrLine1"/>: Sender’s name. Retrieved from the Name field in the sender address on the order.

    • <item shortlink=",showSearch:'false',keyword:DEL_Guid"/>: Link to Track & Trace. Change to the address of your customer web and add /opter/TT at the end.

    An HTML email with similar content could might look like this:

    Copy code

    Line 1 is the subject line

    Ordernummer @Model.DEL_Id

    A package from @Model.StartAddress.ADR_AddrLine1 is on its way to you!</p>
    <p>Best wishes,</p>
    • @Model.DEL_Id: The order number
    • @Model.StartAddress.ADR_AddrLine1:  Sender’s name. Retrieved from the Name field in the sender address on the order.
    •,showSearch:'false',keyword:DEL_Guid: Link to Track & Trace. Change to the address of your customer web and add /opter/TT at the end.
    • @Model.Office.OFF_Name: Name of the transport company. Retrieved from the Name field on the General tab in the office settings.

    See below for more information about tags.

  6. Click on Save and close the report editor.

The new report is added to the list on the left and can be linked to notifications in the Messages window.

Tags in notification reports

In addition to writing body text, information such as times and names can be retrieved from orders in Opter using tags. When the notification is generated, the tag is replaced with the information from the current order. Lists of common tags are available in Förteckning över rapporttaggar. The syntax for the tags depends on the type of report being edited.

If you would like help adding tags that retrieve information from Opter to the report, please contact .