Last updated: 27.01.2021

Valid from: 2019.12.00 and later

How Opter chooses reports for notifications and shipping documents

There are 28 predefined notifications and shipping documents in Opter. Such a set of notifications and shipping documents is called a message group. In the Messages (window) window, reports are connected to the notifications and shipping documents in the various message groups. A message group can then be selected for customer references, customers and in the office settings (which applies to all orders). The message group used when generating a notification or shipping document is selected based on the order in the list below. If the setting is [Default] or [None], Opter moves to the next option in the list.

  1. The selection in the Messages field on the General tab for the customer reference on the order.

  2. The selection in the Messages field on the Details tab in the customer registry for the customer on the order.

  3. The selection in the Messages field on the Default selections tab of the office settings. It is not possible to choose [Default] or [None] here.