Last updated: 22.03.2024

Valid from: 2019.06.00 and later

Show fuel extra on invoices

We recommend that you read Fuel extra (surcharge) before making a change to the fuel extra or starting to use fuel extra, so that you don’t miss anything important.

The fuel extra can be included in the total price of the order rows, but it is not clear how much of the amount on each order row is fuel extra. To make it clearer how much of the invoice amount is fuel extra, it can be added to the summary at the bottom of the invoice. Fuel extra is always included in the total price of the invoice.

Many e-invoice exports, including all those that follow the Peppol standard, do not work if fuel extra is not included in the total price on the order rows. This is because such exports check that the sum of all the order rows matches the total sum on the invoice.

Even if a row for fuel extra is added to the summary at the bottom of the invoice, it is not counted as a proper order row, and it won't make e-invoice exports work.

Include/exclude fuel extra in the total price of the order row

Go to Settings > Offices > tab Invoice settings and select/deselect Invoice prices include fuel extra. The checkbox works in conjunction with Invoice prices include delivery option prices, so if there is an option with fuel extra on the order row, the fuel extra is also included/excluded for the option.

The same behaviour also applies to Invoice prices include currency extra prices. For an example of the outcome on the total price of the order row on the invoice of different combinations of the checkboxes, see Office (window).

Show fuel extra rates on separate rows in the invoice summary

To make it clearer for the customer how much of the invoice amount is fuel extra, rows for the various fuel extra rates can be added in the summary at the bottom of the invoice. Depending on whether the fuel extra is included in or excluded from the total price on the order rows, the text and appearance can be customised to make it easy to follow how the total amount on the invoice has been calculated.

Show fuel extra as a lump sum in the invoice summary

The sum of fuel extra, currency extra and options can also be reported as a lump sum in the summary. To do this, we use the following two tags in the report:

  • INH_Total_Standard: Shows the total sum of the order rows including fuel extra, currency extra and options regardless of whether the checkboxes in the office settings are selected or not.

  • TotalAccordingToOfficeSettings_Customer: The sum of the total price of the order rows as they appear on the invoice. Fuel extra, currency extra and options are not included if the checkboxes are unselected, but are included if they are selected.

It is, of course, also possible to show combinations of the four examples above on the invoice. Experiment with tags in the invoice report and combinations of the checkboxes in the office settings. Click on Refresh in the preview to update the invoice if any of the office settings are changed.

Reference Materials

Fuel extra (surcharge)