Last updated: 2024-02-23

Applies from: 2022.06.00 and later

Driving time

Driving time is the time it takes to drive between two addresses. Driving time is based on distance and speed limits and is calculated by PTV Map&Guide.

Driving time factors

The driving time can be modified for individual drivers or vehicles (depending on what you use as primary resource) by entering the percentage of the calculated driving time that the resource actually needs in the field Driving time factor in the window Employees on the tab Details or in the window Vehicles on the tab bla Route optimisation. The default value is 100%, i.e. the calculated driving time is unchanged. Enter a percentage greater than 100 if a resource generally needs a longer driving time than estimated, and enter a number less than 100 if the resource generally needs a shorter driving time, .


Setting a percentage lower than 100 means that the driver has to move faster than the calculated driving time, which is based on factors such as speed limits.


PTV Map&Guide estimates that it takes 14 minutes to drive from Start Street 3 to Delivery Road 5. Driver 7 is new to the city and therefore needs more time. The driving time factor is set to 150%, resulting in a driving time of 21 minutes.

See also

Synchronising the route sequence in Opter Driver and dispatch

Mobile data settings (window)

Route optimisation: preparation and configuration

Manual route optimisation

Multi-vehicle optimisation

Route optimisation of shipments with options

Vehicle profiles for route optimisation

Cancelling a route optimisation

Route optimization settings (window)

Route optimization (window)

Dispatch settings (window)