Last updated: 02.08.2022

internal documents

Applies from: 2022.07.00 and later

Vehicle position

The position of the vehicle on the map is determined by the positioning functions in the mobile phone used by the driver. The position is used, for example, to calculate arrival times for route optimisation.

If route optimisation is carried out on one vehicle at a time, the fallback position is used if the vehicle has no position and if the Use position and calculate driving time to first stop checkbox is selected in the route optimisation settings. In the case of multi-vehicle optimisation, the fallback position is used for all vehicles.


A home location can also be set for vehicles and drivers. For more information, see Home location for vehicles and drivers.

Fallback position for vehicles and drivers

If a vehicle’s position cannot be determined, for example due to poor mobile coverage, a fallback position can be entered. The fallback position is set in the office settings, with the possibility to make exceptions for individual vehicles and drivers in each registry. Use a fallback position that is a reasonable midpoint for the area in which route optimisation is being carried out. Set up a fallback position as follows:

Step 1: Set a global fallback position in the office settings

The global fallback position applies to all vehicles and drivers unless exceptions are made for them (see below).

  1. Click on Settings > Offices and go to the Weight/Distance tab.

  2. Click on next to Fallback position and select a location on the map (or enter the coordinates).

Step 2: Set up fallback positions for individual vehicles or drivers (optional)

To make an exception to the global fallback position for a vehicle, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Register > Vehicles and select a vehicle from the list and go to the Route optimisation tab.
  2. Click on next to Fallback position and select a location on the map (or enter the coordinates).

To make an exception to the global fallback position for a driver, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Register > Employees, select a driver and go to the Details tab.

  2. Click on next to Fallback position and select a location on the map (or enter the coordinates).

It is possible to set a fallback position for employees who are not drivers as well, but it has no practical significance.


If no fallback position is set, Opter’s Stockholm office will be used as the fallback position, which can produce unexpected results during route optimisation.

See also

Route optimisation

Route optimization settings (window)

Home location for vehicles and drivers