Last updated: 14.05.2024

Valid from: 2023.12-01.214, 2023.12.72 and later

Vehicle profiles for route optimisation

One of the PTV vehicle profiles can be specified for your vehicle types. The vehicle profiles contain default values for e.g. weight, length, height, width and speed. The route optimisation takes these values into account when calculating arrival times and route choices. For example, a vehicle profile with a height of 3.8 metres is not route-optimised via a road crossed by a bridge that only has clearance of 3.5 metres.

The vehicle profile set for the vehicle type is used for all vehicles of that type regardless of the characteristics the specific vehicles have in Opter. The route optimisation also takes into account speed limits, which are a more decisive factor for arrival times than the vehicle profile.

More information is available on the PTV website.


It is also possible to select a vehicle profile on the price vehicle types. However, this does not affect the route optimisation, but only the distance calculation on the order, which forms the basis for the price.

Select vehicle profile

To set up a vehicle profile, click on Register > Vehicle types > Route optimisation tab and then select a vehicle profile from the drop-down list. If no vehicle profile is specified, 'truck40t' is used.

The vehicle profiles are taken from PTV. It is possible to see how the various vehicle profiles are defined in the XML files at For example, these show the total weight(totalPermittedWeight), maximum speed(maximumSpeed) and dimensions(height, length, width) used in the route optimisation.

If you enter your own value in any of the fields, that value applies instead of the one taken from PTV.


PTV vehicle profiles do not always contain values for all fields. For example, the default profile "truck_40t" does not contain a height, which means that vehicles can be route optimised on roads with viaducts that they cannot pass under if you do not enter a height for the vehicle type.

Always check the values for the vehicle profile in the PTV help, and enter the actual values for the vehicle type in Opter.

Customised vehicle profiles

You can enter a different name in the Vehicle profile field if you use your own values for the dimensions instead of those from PTV. This is to make it clearer that a PTV vehicle profile is not being used. However, it is not possible to save and reuse the vehicle profile for other vehicle types.


If PTV renames any of its profiles, it is possible to edit the name of that profile in Opter in the same way.