Last updated: 2024-07-26

internal documents

Applies from: Opter 2024.06.00, Opter Driver for iOS and Opter Driver Labs for Android 2.4.7

Customise the POD view in Opter Driver for iOS

The Proof of Delivery (POD) view is displayed in Opter Driver at the following times:

You can set which fields and buttons are displayed and which are mandatory to fill in. For example, this is what it could look like, see the picture below.

In the image above, the driver selects the type of proof of delivery (1), enters the consignee's name (2), adds the signature (3), remark (4), possible comment (5), picture (6), discrepancy (7), possible items (8) and loose items (9), and then saves the proof of delivery (10). For more information, see Register proof of delivery (POD) in Opter Driver for iOS.


Many of the settings below will be made in the same window in Opter. So you can choose to do in one of the following ways:

Step 1: Show menu item Proof of delivery and shortcut

Select whether the menu item Proof of delivery and any shortcuts to certain delivery order types should appear on the menu in the detail view. Proceed as follows:

  1. If you want the menu item Proof of delivery to appear in the detail view, the mobile data setting ProofOfDeliveryPermission must be set to "True" (default). More information is available in Mobile data settings (window).

  2. If you want the menu item Proof of delivery and any shortcut to a delivery order type that sets the status to Delivered/Unloaded to be displayed on the menu in the detail view when the driver is about to change the status to Delivered/Unloaded, then the mobile data setting ManualStatusChangeDeliveryPermission must be set to 'True' (default).

    For more information, see Setting the POD type as a shortcut on the menu in Opter Driver for iOS and Setting how status can be changed in Opter Driver for iOS.

  3. If you want the menu item Proof of delivery and any shortcut to a delivery order type that sets the status to Pickup/Loaded to be displayed on the menu in the detail view when the driver is about to change the status to Pickup/Loaded, then the mobile data setting ManualStatusChangePickUpPermission must be set to 'True' (default).

  4. Click on to save all changes.

Step 2: Setting the availability of the liver tissue type

For example, if you want the delivery order types Delivered, Nobody home and New address to be displayed in Opter Driver, do the following:

  1. Click on Settings > Proof of Delivery (POD) > Proof of delivery types and the General tab.

  2. For each type of proof of delivery to be displayed in Opter Driver, tick the checkbox Available in mobile device.

    The types of proof of delivery can be found in the list on the far left. For more information, see Introduction to POD (proof of delivery).

  3. If you also want the delivery order type to be displayed directly in the menu in the detail view (as a shortcut), also tick the checkbox Display on the menu in Opter Driver. For more information, see Setting the POD type as a shortcut on the menu in Opter Driver for iOS.

  4. Click on to save all changes.

Step 3 (optional): Setting the field Checklist

Follow the instruction Setting whether to display checklists in Opter Driver.

Step 4 (optional): Setting the field Check freight bill number

Follow the instruction Configuring the freight bill number check in Opter Driver.

Step 5 (optional): Setting the field Receiver’s name

The field Receiver’s name is always displayed.

  1. If you want to force the driver to enter the recipient's name, tick the Require name checkbox under Settings > Proof of Delivery (POD) > Proof of delivery types > General. More information is available in Proof of delivery types (window).


    The setting can be overridden for individual customers by selecting Name always optional on the Proof of Delivery (POD) tab in the customer registry.

  2. Click on to save all changes.

Step 6 (optional): Setting the field Receiver’s signature

The field Receiver’s signature is always displayed.

  1. If you want to force the driver to allow the recipient to provide a signature, tick the checkbox Require signature under Settings > Proof of Delivery (POD) > Proof of delivery types > General. More information is available in Proof of delivery types (window).


    The setting can be overridden for individual customers by selecting Signature always optional on the Proof of Delivery (POD) tab in the customer registry.

  2. Click on to save all changes.


If you want to set the fields to be displayed on the proof of delivery signature page, you can do so in the Design field for mobile window or in the XML file App.OpterDriver.Design, depending on which one you use. For more information, see Design field for mobile (window), App.OpterDriver.Design and Configuring which fields are displayed in Opter Driver for iOS.

Step 7 (optional): Setting the field Remark

You can set it so that the driver can or must enter a remark. Proceed as follows:

  1. For the field Remark to appear in the POD view, the mobile data setting PodRemarkEnabled must be set to "True" (default). More information is available in Mobile data settings (window).

  2. If you want to force the driver to write a note, tick the checkbox Require remark under Settings > Proof of Delivery (POD) > Proof of delivery types > General. More information is available in Proof of delivery types (window).


    The setting can be overridden for individual customers by selecting Remark always optional on the Proof of Delivery (POD) tab in the customer registry.

  3. Click on to save all changes.

Step 8 (optional): Setting the field Comment

In the Comment field, the driver can enter a comment manually or scan a barcode, for example. You can set it so that the driver can or must leave a comment. You can also set whether the driver should enter a comment manually or scan a comment.

Proceed as follows:

  1. For the field Comment to appear in the POD view, the mobile data setting PodCommentEnabled must be set to "True". (The default setting is "False".) More information is available in Mobile data settings (window).

  2. Choose whether the driver should enter a comment manually or scan. If you want the driver to scan the comment (for example, scan a barcode), tick the checkbox Scan comment under Settings > Proof of Delivery (POD) > Proof of delivery types. More information is available in Proof of delivery types (window).

  3. You can make it mandatory to enter a comment for a specific type of proof of delivery by ticking the checkbox Require comment under Settings > Proof of Delivery (POD) > Proof of delivery types. More information is available in Proof of delivery types (window).


    The setting can be overridden for individual customers by selecting Remark always optional on the Proof of Delivery (POD) tab in the customer registry.

  4. Click on to save all changes.

Step 9 (optional): Setting the fields Delay and Comment

Select whether drivers must indicate the reason for the delay and a comment in case of delayed delivery. If the driver has to enter the delay reason and comment, the drop-down list Select reason for delay and a delay comment field are displayed.

Follow the instructions in Mandatory reason and comment for delay in Opter Driver.

Step 10 (optional): Setting the field Add image

Choose whether drivers should be able to add a picture to the proof of delivery/order, and whether it should be mandatory for the driver to add a picture or not.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Choose whether the field Add image should be displayed in the POD view or not, by setting the mobile data setting PodPictureEnabled to "True" or "False":

    • "True" = The field Add image is displayed in the POD view and the driver can add an image.

    • "False" (default) = The field Add image is not displayed in the POD view and the driver cannot add an image.

    More information is available in Mobile data settings (window).

  2. If you set PodPictureEnabled to "True", you can choose whether adding an image is mandatory or not.

    If you want to force the driver to add a picture, tick the checkbox Require image under Settings > Proof of Delivery (POD) > Proof of delivery types > General. More information is available in Proof of delivery types (window).


    The setting can be overridden for individual customers by selecting Image always optional on the Proof of Delivery (POD) tab in the customer registry.

  3. Click on to save all changes.

For more information, see Adding images in Opter Driver for iOS.

Step 11 (optional): Setting the button Loose items

Choose whether drivers should be able to indicate the number of loose items, and whether it should be mandatory if there are loose items registered on the order. Proceed as follows:

  1. To display the field Loose items in the POD view (and in the menu in the detail view), set the mobile data setting LooseItemsPermission to "True". (The default setting is "False".)

    Drivers can then enter loose items. More information is available in Mobile data settings (window).

  2. If you set LooseItemsPermission to "True", you can use LooseItemForceSetValue to choose whether it should be mandatory or not:

    • "True" = If there are loose items registered on the order, the driver must indicate the number of loose items as follows:

      • When loading the first mission on the order, the driver must enter Starting quantity, if it does not already exist.

      • When unloading the last assignment on the order, the driver must enter Ending quantity, if it does not already exist.

    • “False” (default) = the driver does not have to indicate the number of loose items, but there is an option to do so.

  3. Click on to save all changes.

For more information, see Register proof of delivery (POD) in Opter Driver for iOS.

Step 12 (optional): Setting the button Deviation

Follow the instructions in Require deviation for POD registration in Opter Driver for iOS.

Step 13 (optional): Setting the button Price item

Choose whether drivers should be able to add new items to the POD view, and whether it should be optional or mandatory.

Proceed as follows:

  1. In order for drivers to be able to add new items to the POD view, the mobile data setting AddNewPriceItemPermission must be set to "True" (default). The Price item button will then appear in the POD view. For more information, see Mobile data settings (window) and Customising the price item view in Opter Driver.


    If you also want drivers to be able to add new items via the menu in the detail view, you also set ArticlesPermission to "True" (default). For more information, see Customising the price item view in Opter Driver.

  2. If you want to force the driver to add an article, tick the checkbox Price item mandatory under Settings > Proof of Delivery (POD) > Proof of delivery types > General. More information is available in Proof of delivery types (window).


    This approach cannot be overridden for individual customers.

  3. Click on to save all changes.


To set which fields are displayed in the item view, see Customising the price item view in Opter Driver.

Step 14 (optional): Setting the button Changes

Choose whether drivers should be able to make changes to the assignments in Opter Driver. If the Changes button appears, drivers can make changes. The changes are saved when the driver clicks on Save at the bottom of the POD view.

The mobile data setting ChangesPermission controls whether or not the Changes button is displayed in the POD view and on the menu in the detail view. Follow the instructions in Changes to orders in Opter Driver.


By default, changes made in Opter Driver need to be manually approved in the dispatch centre for the change to be saved, but you can set it so that no changes need to be approved at all, or that only certain changes need to be approved. For more information, see Setting how changes in Opter Driver are authorised.

Step 15: App users must log out

Users who are logged into Opter Driver when the changes are saved in Opter must log out and then log back into the app to see the changes.

See also

Mobile data settings (window)

Proof of delivery types (window)

Register proof of delivery (POD) in Opter Driver for iOS

Introduction to POD (proof of delivery)

Mandatory reason and comment for delay in Opter Driver