Last updated: 14.06.2019

Applies from: 2019.06.00 and later

Settings for receiving invoices and tracking costs

In order to receive invoices from suppliers and subcontractors, referred to below as resources, and to be able to track their costs properly, you may need to customise resource prices, configure resource settings and add blank cost price items to your price lists. You can find details of how to configure these settings in this guide.

Step 1. Create and customise resource price collections

Start by making sure you have a suitable resource price, or create one. Proceed as follows:

  1. Click on RegisterResource Pricing Settings.
  2. Select a resource pricing from the list on the left or create a new one by clicking on and entering the basic data that will apply to it.
  3. If you have a price list for the supplier or subcontractor, select it from the Price list drop-down list. If you do not want to use a price list, select [None].


    The resource pricing must be able to generate a cost, by having a price list or generating a fee factor (commission).

  4. Make sure the Share of customer price resource value if no price is calculated checkbox is deselected.


    Two instances when the Share of customer price resource value if no price is calculated checkbox should be selected are:

    • if your supplier/subcontractor should receive a percentage share of your customer price resource value. In that case, give Fee factor the value of the percentage share you want the supplier/subcontractor to receive,
    • if you want to create “empty” cost price items where you enter the price of the order yourself. In that case, give Fee factor the value 0%.
  5. Click on to save all changes.

Step 2. Settings for suppliers and subcontractors

To set up tracking of costs for a resource that sends an invoice, proceed as follows:

  1. Click on RegisterSuppliers or Register > Subcontractors.
  2. Select the resource you want to work on from the list on the left or click on to create a new one.
  3. Go to the Pricing and Billing tab.
  4. Select the required price collection from the Resource Pricing drop-down list.
  5. Select the Sends invoice checkbox.
  6. If you want the expected cost of the resource’s invoice to be automatically entered on orders and shipments, select the Create cost price items automatically checkbox.


    Please check that you do not to have both manual and automatic cost price items on an order. This produces double the costs in the resource invoice.

  7. Click on to save all changes.

Step 3. Settings in price lists

To prepare your price lists to enable resources to send invoices, you need to make sure that there is an empty price item such as Cost used to show the expected and actual cost of resources. Proceed as follows:

  1. Click on Economy > Price lists.
  2. Open the Price lists folder by clicking on .
  3. Select a price list that will serve as the master price list for all the price lists that can be used with the supplier or subcontractor and create a cost price item with a 0 price in that price list. This is done as follows:

    1. Open the master price list, by clicking on to the left of the folder, and open the Price items folder in the same way.
    2. If the folder contains price items, click on each price item folder and check whether any of them have Cost selected in the Price item type drop-down list and a price of 0.


      There should be only one cost price item in each price list. If there are several, it can cause errors in the tracking of resource costs.

    3. If the price list does not contain a cost price item, click on to create a new one. Select Cost from the Price item type drop-down list and give the price item a price of 0.


      Cost price items should always have a price of 0. Work on the price collection in resource pricing instead of doing it directly on the cost price item.

    4. Click on to save all changes.

  4. Go to each price list that it should be possible to use with the supplier or subcontractor and select the master price list from the Main price list drop-down list. Don’t forget to save the change in each price list.