Last updated: 31.03.2023

Valid from: 2022.12.00 and later

Customer information, order reception

Order > Order reception

This section can be used to view information about the customer’s creditworthiness and whether they have unpaid invoices. For more information and examples on how to set up warnings and credit limits, see Displaying a warning for unpaid invoices and credit limit exceeded.

Function Description

The sales ledger number from the customer registry.

Warnings for credit limit exceeded and unpaid invoices are not activated.

The credit limit has not been exceeded


there are no outstanding invoices that have not been paid later than half the number of days specified for In the case of late payment, number of days after the invoice’s due date before the warning is displayed in the office settings.

Example: if 10 days has been entered, a green colour is displayed as long as no invoices have been paid later than 5 days after the due date.

If you hover the cursor over the icon, more detailed information is displayed:

  • CL x/y:

    • CL = credit limit

    • x = value of uninvoiced orders + invoiced and unpaid orders including VAT

    • y = customer’s credit limit

  • LP x/y:

    • LP = late payment

    • x = the number of days remaining until the due date or the number of days remaining until the due date

    • y = the setting for In the case of late payment, number of days after the invoice’s due date before the warning is displayed

Less than 20% left until the credit limit is reached


there are no outstanding invoices that have not been paid from half the number of days up to the number of days specified for In the case of late payment, number of days after the invoice’s due date before the warning is displayed in the office settings.

Example: if 10 days has been entered, a yellow colour is displayed if there are unpaid invoices where the due date has been exceeded by 5-10 days.

If you hover the cursor over the icon, more detailed information is displayed:

  • CL x/y:

    • CL = credit limit

    • x = value of uninvoiced orders + invoiced and unpaid orders including VAT

    • y = customer’s credit limit

  • LP x/y:

    • LP = late payment

    • x = the number of days that have elapsed since the due date for unpaid invoices

    • y = the setting for In the case of late payment, number of days after the invoice’s due date before the warning is displayed

The credit limit has been exceeded


there are outstanding invoices that have not been paid within the number of days specified for In the case of late payment, number of days after the invoice’s due date before the warning is displayed in the office settings.

Example: if 10 days has been entered, a red colour is displayed if there are unpaid invoices where the due date has been exceeded by 11 days or more.

If you hover the cursor over the icon, more detailed information is displayed:

  • CL x/y:

    • CL = credit limit

    • x = value of uninvoiced orders + invoiced and unpaid orders including VAT

    • y = customer’s credit limit

  • LP x/y:

    • LP = late payment

    • x = the number of days that have elapsed since the due date for unpaid invoices

    • y = the setting for In the case of late payment, number of days after the invoice’s due date before the warning is displayed

New orders can be saved in Opter even if the customer has a red warning.

Text field

Retrieves the text from the Information field in the General tab of the customer registry.

See also