Last updated: 15.05.2024

Valid from: Opter 2024.06.00

Map (window)

In order reception: under Sender or Receiver (1)

Address position

This shows the sender/receiver's address from order reception (marked with a green cross on the map). If you click anywhere else on the map (2), that address will appear at the bottom of the window (3). To switch to that address, copy it up to Address position with . If you then click on Save (4), the new address is transferred to order reception.

For more information on accuracy, see Addresses and address positions.

Manual position

The exact coordinates of the address can be entered here. This can be useful, for example, if the entrance is on the other side of the property.

The commands at the bottom of the window

Function Description
+ address (3)

If you click anywhere on the map, the address for that position appears here. Click on to copy the address up to Address position.

Save adjusted position for adress

: The position of the address is saved in the address registry Save is clicked and is used for future orders from/to the same address.

: The manually adjusted position is only used for this order.

Save (4)

Saves any changes to addresses and positions and closes the map. If the address has been changed, the new address is transferred to order reception.


Closes the map without saving any changes.