Last updated: 09.06.2020

Valid from: 2020.05.00 and later

Setting VAT rates for suppliers and subcontractors

It can be specified that a specific supplier or subcontractor should always have a certain VAT rate. If you work with foreign suppliers or subcontractors, you can choose a VAT rate of 0% here.

  1. Click on Register > Resource Pricing Settings.
  2. Select a resource price in the list on the left.
  3. Select a VAT rate in the VAT drop-down list. If [Default] is chosen, the VAT rate stated for the price calculation in the price list used on the order is applied.
  4. Click on to save all changes.
  5. Click on RegisterSuppliers or Register > Subcontractors.
  6. Go to the Pricing and Billing tab and select the resource price for which VAT was defined in the Resource Pricing drop-down list.

The VAT rate that is entered is used on all credit notes for that supplier or subcontractor, with four exceptions:

  • If a VAT rate has been entered manually on the shipment in order reception, that VAT rate applies.
  • If a VAT rate has been entered manually for the price items used in the order, that VAT rate applies to those price items.
  • If the service specified in the order has been defined as a construction service, that VAT rate applies.
  • If the Consider VAT based on country and terminal checkbox has been selected, the VAT is taken from the terminal or country registry.

For more information, see How Opter chooses the VAT rate on credits.

See also