Last updated: 13.05.2020
Valid from: 2020.05.00 and later
Construction VAT
Sales of construction services to other companies in the construction sector are subject to the reverse charge mechanism, which means that the buyer of the service reports and pays the VAT to the state, not the seller. So when selling construction services to customers that are construction companies, no VAT should be added to the invoice. The same applies when crediting a supplier or subcontractor for construction services purchased from them, provided that you qualify as a construction company. In this case, no VAT will be added to the credit note, but you, as the buyer, have to report and pay the VAT.
More information on when the reverse charge principle applies is available on the Swedish Tax Agency’s website.
Configuring construction VAT in Opter
This is how to use construction VAT for invoices and crediting transactions for orders and shipments relating to construction services:
Call the VAT rate “Construction VAT 0%”, or similar, to make it easy to find it in the drop-down lists where VAT is selected, and so that the part of the sale to which construction VAT applies can be kept separate in places such as the account coding and VAT reports.
In order to indicate that orders and contracts are for construction services, create services and price items with construction VAT and then select them on the orders or shipments.
In order for construction VAT to be used when invoicing customers for construction orders, the customer must be defined as a construction company.
If a VAT rate is selected manually in the VAT column for the price item in order reception, or in the VAT rate drop-down list in the Price box on the order, that VAT rate rather than the construction VAT rate applies to the order. For more information, seeHow Opter chooses the VAT rate for customer invoices.
In order to allow construction VAT to be used when crediting for construction shipments, the office that purchases the construction service from the supplier/subcontractor must be defined as being a construction company.
If a VAT rate is selected manually in the VAT column for the price item in order reception, or in the VAT rate drop-down list on the Pricing tab for the shipment in order reception, that VAT rate rather than the construction VAT rate applies to the shipment. For more information, see How Opter chooses the VAT rate on credits.