Last updated: 07.12.2022

Applies from: 2022.11.00 and later, Opter Terminal 49.0 and later

Changing package dimensions in Opter Terminal

When you scan a package in Opter Terminal, the dimensions of the package are displayed in the app. The dimensions can be changed by default, but you can set them to not be changeable. The setting must be applied for each individual scan direction. For example, it can be set so that the dimensions cannot be changed on arrival scans, but they can be changed on floor-check scans.

If you always want it to be possible to change all dimensions in Opter Terminal, you do not need to configure any of the following settings.


It is possible to choose whether to use weight correction when making changes from Opter Terminal or to save the changes as usual. If they are saved as usual, the price can be changed regardless of whether the change increases or decreases the price. For more information, see Weight correction.

Step 1: Open the Opter Terminal layout settings

  1. Click on Settings > Mobile dataSettings mobile data.
  2. Click on Edit, next to Terminal.Settings.

If Terminal.Settings does not appear in the list, click on an empty line in the Name column and select Terminal.Settings from the list.


If you have configured specific Opter Terminal settings for the terminal whose setting you want to adjust, the following setting must be applied for that terminal in the terminal registry, rather than in Terminal.Settings. For more information, see Separate Opter Terminal settings for individual terminals.

Step 2: Configure the setting for each individual scan direction

Terminal.Settings has a section for each scan direction in which settings can be configured:

Add the following row for each scan direction in which you want to prevent the dimensions from being changed.

Copy code

Tag controlling whether dimensions can be changed in Opter Terminal

<editdimensions PAC_Depth="false" PAC_Width="false" PAC_Height="false" PAC_Weight="false" PAC_LoadMeter="false" PAC_Area="false" PAC_Volume="false" PAC_Quantity="false" />

Fine-tuning the settings

The dimensions can have two values:

If you want to be able to change one of the dimensions, enter the true value for that dimension instead of false.

If a dimension is deleted from the editdimensions tag, that dimension is considered to be true.


Add the row in all scan directions and specify true/false as desired and it will be clear in Terminal.Settings which dimensions can and cannot be changed for each scan direction.


The following example shows what it looks like in context. Note that we have allowed the Width dimension to be changed by entering true for PAC_Width.

Copy code

Row 13: Settings for changes to dimensions on arrival scan

        <arrival>                                                <!-- specific settings for arrival scanning-->
              <shipment visible="true" />                            <!-- enable disable freightbill scanning-->
              <package visible="true" />                            <!-- enable disable package scanning-->
              <resource mandatory="false" skipVisible="false" />    <!-- if mandatory="true" you must choose resource. if mandatory="false" and skipVisible="true" it's optional to choose resource -->
              <route visible="false" choice="false" />            <!-- visible="true" show route in scanresult list. choice="true" you have to choose route before scanning-->
              <nextroute visible="false"/>                        <!-- visible="true" next route is visible in scanresult list and scandetails-->
              <orderdate visible="false"/>                        <!-- visible="true" sets orderdate visible in scanlist -->
              <autoprintsortlabel enabled="false" />                <!-- enabled="true" automatic printing of sortlabels after every scan -->
              <comment enabled="false" mandatory="false"/>        <!-- enabled="true" lets you add ScanComment use mandadory true/false to make it mandatory/optional -->
              <pod enabled="false"/>                                <!-- enabled="true" a POD-dialogue is visible after finishing scanning to add ProofOfDelivery -->
              <nextresource visible="false" />                    <!-- visible="true" sets next resource visible in scanlist (SHI_NextResource) -->
              <nextorder visible="false" />                        <!-- visible="true" sets next order visible in scanlist (SHI_AddressIndexFrom) -->
              <editdimensions PAC_Depth="false" PAC_Width="true" PAC_Height="false" PAC_Weight="false" PAC_LoadMeter="false" PAC_Area="false" PAC_Volume="false" PAC_Quantity="false" />
                  <![CDATA[ add text, html and variables here ]]>
              </pkgdimensions-->                                    <!-- define own text in scanresultlist with simple html and variables: "PACKAGEWEIGHT", "PACKAGELOADMETER", "PACKAGEDEPTH", "PACKAGEWIDTH", "PACKAGEHEIGHT", "PACKAGEVOLUME", "PACKAGEQUANTITY", "PACKAGEAREA" -->
                  <![CDATA[ add text, html and variables here ]]>
              </fbdimensions-->                                    <!-- define own text in scanresultlist with simple html and variables: "DEL_CalculatedVolume", "DEL_CalculatedArea", "DEL_CalculatedLoadMeter", "DEL_CalculatedLength", "DEL_CalculatedWidth", "DEL_CalculatedWeight" -->
                  <![CDATA[ add text, html and variables here ]]>
              </listdesign-->                                        <!-- define own text in scanresultlist with simple html and variables: "ADR_AddrLine1From", "ADR_StreetFrom", "ADR_StreetNoFrom", "ADR_ZipCodeFrom", "ADR_CityFrom", "ADR_EntreCodeFrom", "ADR_PhoneFrom", "ADR_AddrLine1To", "ADR_StreetTo", "ADR_StreetNoTo", "ADR_ZipCodeTo", "ADR_CityTo", "ADR_EntreCodeTo", "ADR_PhoneTo", "PST_Name", "SHI_NextStatus", "SHI_NextResource", "NextRouteName", "ROU_Name", "SHI_AddressIndexFrom" -->
                  <![CDATA[ add text, html and variables here ]]>
              </detailsdesign-->                                     <!-- define own text in scandetails with simple html and variables: "ADR_AddrLine1From", "ADR_StreetFrom", "ADR_StreetNoFrom", "ADR_ZipCodeFrom", "ADR_CityFrom", "ADR_EntreCodeFrom", "ADR_PhoneFrom", "ADR_AddrLine1To", "ADR_StreetTo", "ADR_StreetNoTo", "ADR_ZipCodeTo", "ADR_CityTo", "ADR_EntreCodeTo", "ADR_PhoneTo", "DEL_CalculatedVolume", "DEL_CalculatedArea", "DEL_CalculatedLoadMeter", "DEL_CalculatedLength", "DEL_CalculatedWidth", "DEL_CalculatedWeight", "PST_Name", "SHI_NextStatus", "SHI_NextResource", "NextRouteName", "ROU_Name", "SHI_AddressIndexFrom" -->

Step 3: Save the settings

Close the Layout - apps window and click on Save in the Mobile data settings window.

See also