Last updated: 21.11.2023

Applies from: Opter 2023.12.00, Opter Terminal 67.0

Customising the scan list in Opter Terminal

The list showing the results of the scans carried out with Opter Terminal can be customised. All settings are configured in Terminal.Settings and in the mobile data settings (see Customising the layout and features of Opter Terminal with Terminal.Settings and Mobile data settings (window)).

Step 1: Open the Opter Terminal layout settings

  1. Click on Settings > Mobile dataSettings mobile data.
  2. Click on Edit, next to Terminal.Settings.

If Terminal.Settings does not appear in the list, click on an empty line in the Name column and select Terminal.Settings from the list.


If you have configured specific Opter Terminal settings for the terminal whose setting you want to adjust, the following setting must be applied for that terminal in the terminal registry, rather than in Terminal.Settings. For more information, see Separate Opter Terminal settings for individual terminals.

Step 2: One block for all the packages in a shipment, or one block for each package

If the terminal employee scans several packages on the same shipment, the result of the scan can be displayed in a single block in the scan list or the scans can be displayed separately in one block per package.

To display the scans in one block, set enabled=“true” for onescanrow in the <terminal> section. To display each package in a separate block, set enabled=“false” for onescanrow.


If using load carriers, the setting for onescanrow enabled (true/false) also affects the appearance of the scan list and the amount of information displayed when a load carrier and its constituent packages are scanned. For more information, see Load carrier.

Step 3: Choose which information to display in the blocks

Regardless of whether the scans are displayed in one block per shipment (onescanrow enabled=”true”) or as separate blocks for each package (onescanrow enabled=”false”), the information to be displayed about the packages can be defined. This is defined separately for each scan direction as the information that is relevant to the different scan directions may vary. The following settings are available in the sections for each scan direction (<arrival>, <departure>, <floorcheck>, <damage> and <pod>) and control the information that is displayed. Set to true or false.

All packages on the same shipment in one block

If onescanrow=“true” was set in step 2 above, the block in the scan list can be further customised by selecting true or false for the rest of the settings on the same line in Terminal.Settings. The information is also displayed for the packages that the user has not scanned on the shipment. Scanned packages are coloured green in the block.

Variables that return numbers

For variables that return numbers, it is possible to specify how many decimal places to display in the scan list, and whether to exclude unnecessary trailing zeros at the end of the number. In our example (“Weight: {1:0.##} kg”), we have limited the number of decimals for the weight to a maximum of two, but if the weight is “8.00” on the package row, only “Weight: 8 kg” is displayed in the scan list. If the weight in the package row is “8.10”, “Weight: 8.1 kg” is displayed in the scan list. The unnecessary trailing zeros after the decimal point are deleted.

The syntax works in the same way as in text and HTML reports. The number of decimal places is limited by the number of zeros after the decimal point (0.00). To exclude unnecessary trailing zeros, enter # signs instead of zeros. The dot is converted to a comma in the app.


Numbers are stored with six decimal places in the Opter database. If a limit is not defined, all numbers are always displayed to six decimal places. For example, if “Width: {5} m” is entered in PackageDimensionsString, “Width 2.000000 m” will be displayed in the scan list.

Copy code

Variables in PackageDimensionsString that return numbers

Weight: {1:0.00}
Volume: {2:0.##}
Load metres: {3:0.00#} 
Pallet space: {4:0}
Width: {5:0.00}
Height: {6:0.00}
Depth: {7:0.00}


Weight: 8.00

Volume: 8.12, or 8.1 (if the number on the package row is 8.10), or 8 (if the number on the package row is 8.00)

Load metres: 8.123, or 8.12 (if the number on the package row is 8.120), or 8.10 (if the number on the package row is 8.100)

Pallet space: 8

Width: 8.00

Height: 8.00

Depth: 8.00


Copy code

Scan list layout showing multiple scans of the same shipment in one block.

        <arrivalscanning enabled="true"/><!-- enable/disable arrivalscanning true or false -->
        <departurescanning enabled="true"/><!-- enable/disble departurescanning true or false -->
        <floorcheckscanning enabled="true"/><!-- enable/disable floorcheckscanning true or false -->
        <loadcarrierscanning enabled="false"/><!-- enable/disable load carrier scanning true or false -->
        <damages enabled="true"/><!-- enable/disable damagescanning true or false -->
        <terminalpod enabled="true"/><!-- enable/disable POD-scanning true or false -->
        <printing enabled="false"/><!-- enable/disable print true or false -->        
        <picture selectfromgallery="true"/><!-- max width on the widest side of the image. enable/disable get photos from gallery -->
        <qrscanning enabled="false"/> <!-- start scanning with QR-code instead of choosing arrival/departure, resource etc -->
        <onescanrow enabled="true" showhub="true" showdate="true" showtime="true" showresource="true" showstatus="true" showdimensions="true" showcomment="false"/>    
        <departure>                                                <!-- specific settings for departure scanning-->
              <shipment visible="true" />                            
              <package visible="true" />                            
              <resource mandatory="false" skipVisible="true" />        
              <route visible="false" choice="false" />                
              <nextroute visible="false"/>                            
              <orderdate visible="false"/>                            
              <autoprintsortlabel enabled="false" />                
              <comment enabled="false" mandatory="false"/>            
              <pod enabled="false"/>                                
              <nextresource visible="true" />                        
              <nextorder visible="false" />                            
                  <![CDATA[ add text, html and variables here ]]>
                  <![CDATA[ add text, html and variables here ]]>
                  <![CDATA[ add text, html and variables here ]]>
                  <![CDATA[ add text, html and variables here ]]>

The above code gives the following results. The settings for the scan direction Scan outgoingare configured in the <departure> section in Terminal.Settings:

  1. The freight bill number is always displayed.

  2. <nextresource visible="true" />

  3. The number of packages that have been scanned is always displayed.

  4. The package ID is always displayed.

  5. showstatus="true"

  6. showresource="true"

  7. showdate="true"

  8. showtime="true"

  9. showhub="true"

  10. showdimensions="true" and the mobile data setting PackageDimensionsString = ”| Package type: {14} | Weight {1:0.##} kg | Volume: {2:0.##}”

See also

Customising the layout and features of Opter Terminal with Terminal.Settings

Using the scan list in Opter Terminal

Load carrier