Last updated: 10.09.2024

Valid from: Opter 2024.06.00

Creating a statistical report about CO2 emissions in grams

To gather details regarding the climate impact calculated for your transport in terms of carbon dioxide emissions, the CO2 emissions statistical report can be used.

For Opter to be able to calculate the climate impact, first the settings described in Climate impact of CO2 emissions in grams, pricing weight must be made, then statistics on CO2 emissions can be produced as often as desired, using the instructions below.

The exact climate impact of an individual transport operation depends on the actual consumption and specific fuel, what other goods were being transported at the same time, how much of the transport operation the vehicle had to be driven when empty, etc. It is difficult to obtain precise values for this data, so standard values are used for the fuel consumption and the CO2 emission factor. The standard values are selected so that the climate impact data is reliable on average over time.

The statistical report is based on templates. To ensure it is as accurate as possible, you need to find out your actual emissions, for example by adding up all the refuelling that has taken place over a period of time. Then try out different factors on services until the sum in the statistics matches the reality and the allocation between different shipments is reasonable.

A statistical report can be created that shows the amount of CO2 emissions calculated to have been generated by the transport operations over a given period. Reports can be created per:

  • vehicle

  • customer

  • service

  • total for the office.

It is then possible to click on a vehicle, customer, service or your company name (office name) in the statistics report to see the CO2 emissions per order.

The statistical report displays the following two columns for CO2 emissions:

  • Estimated (g) is an initial calculation of the order's CO2 emissions.

  • Calculated (g) is a more accurate and internal calculation of the order's CO2 emissions per shipment.

For more information, see Climate impact of CO2 emissions in grams, pricing weight.



To obtain a complete statistical report, first follow the instructions in Climate impact of CO2 emissions in grams, pricing weight.

Create a report about CO2 emissions

  1. Click on Analysis > Statistics. Open CO2 emissions by clicking on .

  2. Choose whether to view statistics per vehicle, per customer, per service or overall for the office.

  3. Select Period at the top right of the window.

    The date period is based on the order date on the order to which the shipments belong. Sometimes shipments are transported the day after the order date, but the order date is the most useful date for comparing with other statistics.

  4. Click on Ok to create the statistical report.

The statistical report also includes the underlying data on which it is based. To work more with the data, it can be exported to an Excel file by clicking .