Last updated: 23.11.2021

Applies from: 2021.11.00 and later

Creating statistical reports covering income and costs grouped by customer, resource and region

It is possible to create statistical reports covering income and costs for specific periods, grouped by customer, resource and region. Reports can be created for one or more regions. It is also possible to choose whether or not to include consignments in the report, and whether to base the report on the shipment dates or order dates.

For more information about statistical reports, see Statistical reports.

Creating a report covering income and costs

  1. Click on Analysis > Statistics. Open Overview by clicking on .

  2. Click on Income and costs.

  3. Select Supplier bill period on the right-hand side of the window.
  4. Select Region by entering the region(s) for which the statistics are required. For example, if you type “A*”, you get the statistics for all regions starting with “A”. For example, if you type “Oslo”, you get the statistics for the “Oslo” region.
  5. Select the Use shipment date checkbox to use shipment dates instead of order dates in the statistical report.

  6. To include income and costs from consignments in the statistical report, select the Include consignments checkbox.

    To include income and costs from consignments in the grouped (consigned) shipments (i.e. in the original shipments) instead, deselect the Include consignments checkbox.

  7. Click on Ok to create the statistical report.
  8. The statistical report also includes the basic data on which it is based. If you want to work further with the data, you can export it to an Excel file by clicking on .