Last updated: 22.05.2024

Valid from: 2019.06.00 and later

Manual creation of consignments

Individual shipments can be grouped together to create consignments manually in dispatch and in the Consignments window. There is complete freedom to choose which shipments to group together to create a consignment and there is no requirement to match certain values on the different shipments, as is the case with the automatic creation of consignments.

Creating consignments in dispatch

Select the shipments to include in a consignment by Ctrl-clicking or Shift-clicking on them. Then add the shipments to a new consignment order in one of the following ways:

  • Right-click on one of the selected shipments and select Connect to consignment from the context menu. The Consignment selection window appears. In it you can:

    • Search for a consignment to which the shipments are to be connected.

    • Create a new consignment by clicking on Create new consignment.

  • Drag and drop the shipments onto an existing consignment in the shipment list.

  • Drag and drop the shipment onto the Drag here to create consignment area.

    If the Drag here to create consignment area does not appear in the title row above the lists in dispatch, it can be added. Open the dispatch settings and click on the Tabs tab, then on the Lists tab, and then select the Show "Drag here to create consignment" checkbox. For more information, see Dispatch settings (window).

Creating consignments in the Consignments window

  1. Click on OrderConsignments.
  2. Search for the orders that are to be grouped in a consignment using the various search options.
  3. Under Shipments select the shipments to include in a consignment by Ctrl-clicking or Shift-clicking on them.
  4. Drag the shipments and drop them into Consignments at the bottom of the window to group them in a consignment. It is also possible to drop them onto an existing consignment in the list to connect them to that.